const svrouter = require("../src/index.js"); describe("SVRouter", () => { let router; beforeEach(() => { router = svrouter(); }); test("should add and handle a GET route", () => { const req = { method: "GET", parsedURL: { pathname: "/test" }, params: null }; const res = { end: jest.fn() }; router.get("/test", (req, res) => { res.end("GET route matched"); }); router(req, res, null, null, () => { res.end("No route matched"); }); expect(res.end).toHaveBeenCalledWith("GET route matched"); }); test("should add and handle a POST route", () => { const req = { method: "POST", parsedURL: { pathname: "/submit" }, params: null }; const res = { end: jest.fn() };"/submit", (req, res) => { res.end("POST route matched"); }); router(req, res, null, null, () => { res.end("No route matched"); }); expect(res.end).toHaveBeenCalledWith("POST route matched"); }); test("should add and handle a route for all HTTP methods", () => { const req = { method: "GET", parsedURL: { pathname: "/test" }, params: null }; const res = { end: jest.fn() }; router.all("/test", (req, res) => { res.end("GET route matched"); }); router(req, res, null, null, () => { res.end("No route matched"); }); expect(res.end).toHaveBeenCalledWith("GET route matched"); }); test("should correctly parse parameters in the route", () => { const req = { method: "GET", parsedURL: { pathname: "/user/42" }, params: null }; const res = { end: jest.fn() }; router.get("/user/:id", (req, res) => { res.end(`User ID is ${}`); }); router(req, res, null, null, () => { res.end("No route matched"); }); expect(res.end).toHaveBeenCalledWith("User ID is 42"); }); test("should pass to next middleware when no route matches", () => { const req = { method: "GET", parsedURL: { pathname: "/nonexistent" }, params: null }; const res = { end: jest.fn() }; const next = jest.fn(); router(req, res, null, null, next); expect(next).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test("should add a route using router.route", () => { const req = { method: "PUT", parsedURL: { pathname: "/update" }, params: null }; const res = { end: jest.fn() }; router.route("PUT", "/update", (req, res) => { res.end("PUT route matched"); }); router(req, res, null, null, () => { res.end("No route matched"); }); expect(res.end).toHaveBeenCalledWith("PUT route matched"); }); test("should add a pass-through route with router.pass", () => { const req = { method: "DELETE", parsedURL: { pathname: "/anything" }, params: null }; const res = { end: jest.fn() }; router.pass((req, res) => { res.end("Pass-through matched"); }); router(req, res, null, null, () => { res.end("No route matched"); }); expect(res.end).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Pass-through matched"); }); test("should throw an error if method is not a string in route", () => { expect(() => { router.route(123, "/path", () => {}); }).toThrow("The HTTP method must be a string."); }); test("should throw an error if callback is not a function in route", () => { expect(() => { router.route("GET", "/path", "not a function"); }).toThrow("The route callback must be a function."); }); test("should throw an error if path is not a string in passRoute", () => { expect(() => { router.pass(123, () => {}); }).toThrow("The path must be a function"); }); test("should handle errors thrown in route callbacks gracefully", () => { const req = { method: "GET", parsedURL: { pathname: "/error" }, params: null }; const res = { error: jest.fn() }; router.get("/error", () => { throw new Error("Test error"); }); router(req, res, null, null, () => {}); expect(res.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith(500, expect.any(Error)); }); });