- _logFacilities_ - the SVR.JS log facilities object
- _config_ - the SVR.JS configuration object
- _next_ - the callback which passes the execution to SVR.JS mods and SVR.JS internal handlers.
The function is a SVR.JS mod callback. You can read more about the SVR.JS mod callbacks in the [SVR.JS mod API documentation](https://svrjs.org/docs/api/svrjs-api).
### _router.route(method, path, callback)_
- _method_ - the HTTP method, for which the route applies (_String_)
- _path_ - the route path (begins with "/"), for which the route applies. The route paths are process via the [`path-to-regexp` library](https://www.npmjs.com/package/path-to-regexp) (_String_)
The _req_ object has an additional _params_ property, which contains request parameters, for example if the request URL is `/api/task/1`, and the route path is `/api/task/:id`, then the _req.params_ object is a `null` prototype object with the `id` property set to `"1"`.
The _req_ object has another additional _svrrouterBase_ property, which contains the route base used internally by a SVRRouter router. It's not recommended to override this property, as doing it may result in a SVRRouter router behaving erratically.
The function adds a pass-through (can be middleware) to the SVRRouter router. The pass-through can be to an another SVRRouter router (the request URLs relative to a parent route need to be provided for the _router.route_ function in the SVRRouter router).
The _req_ object has an additional _svrrouterBase_ property, which contains the route base used internally by a SVRRouter router. It's not recommended to override this property, as doing it may result in a SVRRouter router behaving erratically.
The function adds middleware compatible with the `router` library to the SVRRouter router. Middleware that depends on Express's request and response properties may not work.