Cypro Freelance 13f6d7fd3c svrjs docs
2024-09-06 23:06:08 +05:30

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### Non-proxy API
This API is exposed both to mods and server-side JavaScript. This API also includes proxy requests, which don't use CONNECT method. It's possible to determine, if the request comes from the proxy, by checking if _req.url_ begins with "_http://_" or with "_https://_" (unlike non-proxy requests, for which _req.url_ begins with "_/_") like this:
var isProxy = req.url && req.url.match(/^https?:\/\//);
SVR.JS applies mods for request URLs beginning with "_http://_" or with "_https://_" (proxy through GET or POST method, non-proxy requests have request URLs beginning with "_/_") only if _Mod.prototype.proxyCallback_ method is present (not possible with SVR.JS server-side JavaScript).
#### _req_
_req_ object is almost same, as _req_ object in Node.JS
- _req.socket.realRemoteAddress_ and _req.socket.realRemotePort_ will contain IP address, from which request originally went from, if request is sent through reverse proxy (for _X-Forwarded-For_ header, _req.socket.realRemotePort_ will be _null_). You can specify generic request IP variable using `var reqip = req.socket.realRemoteAddress ? req.socket.realRemoteAddress : req.socket.remoteAddress` (from SVR.JS 3.4.4)
- _req.socket.originalRemoteAddress_ and _req.socket.originalRemotePort_ will contain IP address, from which proxy request came from.
- _req.url_ refers to request URL after all processing (URL rewriting too)
#### _res_
_res_ object is almost same, as _res_ object in Node.JS
- _res.socket.realRemoteAddress_ and _res.socket.realRemotePort_ will contain IP address, from which request originally went from, if request is sent through reverse proxy. (for _X-Forwarded-For_ header, _req.socket.realRemotePort_ will be _null_; from SVR.JS 3.4.4)
- _res.socket.originalRemoteAddress_ and _res.socket.originalRemotePort_ will contain IP address, from which proxy request came from.
- _res.writeHead_ writes into server log.
- _res.writeHead_ doesn't invoke a warning about unused status code string.
- _res.setHeader_ doesn't invoke a warning about HTTP/1.x headers being not allowed in HTTP/2.
- _res.writeHead_ called multiple times will emit a warning, instead of throwing an error, which could crash SVR.JS.
- Custom headers defined in _config.json_ are set by default.
#### _serverconsole.climessage(message)_
- _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_)
Sends CLI message to server console.
#### _serverconsole.reqmessage(message)_
- _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_)
Sends request message to server console.
#### _serverconsole.resmessage(message)_
- _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_)
Sends response message to server console.
#### _serverconsole.errmessage(message)_
- _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_)
Sends response error message to server console.
#### _serverconsole.locerrmessage(message)_
- _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_)
Sends local error message to server console.
#### _serverconsole.locwarnmessage(message)_
- _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_)
Sends local warning message to server console.
#### _serverconsole.locmessage(message)_
- _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_)
Sends local message to server console.
#### _responseEnd(body)_
- _body_ - message you want to send before ending response (_String_ or _Buffer_)
Sends response message (along with custom head and foot) specified by _body_ parameter.
#### _href_
Path name of resource defined in the request. Alias for _uobject.pathname_.
#### _ext_
Extension of resource defined in the request.
#### _uobject_
Parsed _Url_ object created by _url.parse()_ method (includes parsed query string).
SVR.JS 3.3.1 and newer include hostname of the server (3.3.1 to 3.14.x use wrapper over WHATWG URL API; 3.15.0 and newer use custom URL parser), older versions don't.
#### _search_
Query string of URL. Alias for _uobject.search_
#### _defaultpage_
In SVR.JS 2.x it was alias for _configJSON.defaultpage_. In SVR.JS 3.x for backward compability it's always "_index.html_".
#### _users_
Alias for _configJSON.users_
#### _page404_
Alias for _configJSON.page404_
#### _head_
HTML head read from either _.head_ or _head.html_ file.
#### _foot_
HTML foot read from either _.foot_ or _foot.html_ file.
#### _fd_
**WARNING! This property has currently no use and it's reserved for new SVR.JS functions.** Currently this property is an empty string.
#### _elseCallback()_
Invokes next SVR.JS mod callback, SVR.JS server-side JavaScript callback or main SVR.JS callback.
#### _configJSON_
<small>_Added in SVR.JS 3.0.0_</small>{" "}
Parsed object of _config.json_ file.
SVR.JS 3.4.0 and newer has _version_ property, that corresponds to server version, and _productName_ property, which always is "SVR.JS".
#### _callServerError(errorCode[, extName][, stack][, ch])_
<small>_Added in SVR.JS 3.0.0_</small>{" "}
- _errorCode_ - HTTP error code (_Number_)
- _extName_ - extension name, which caused an error (optional; _String_)
- _stack_ - error stack (optional; _String_ or _Error_)
- _ch_ - custom HTTP headers for error (optional; _Object_)
Invokes HTTP error code. If it's unavailable, invokes 501 error code.
#### _getCustomHeaders()_
<small>_Added in SVR.JS 3.0.0_</small>{" "}
Returns: _Object_ property contains custom headers.
This methods retrieves custom headers from _config.json_ file. Returned object additionally includes _Server_ header.
#### _origHref_
<small>_Added in SVR.JS 3.0.0_</small>{" "}
Original path name before URL rewriting.
#### _redirect(dest[, isTemporary][, keepMethod][, headers])_
<small>_Added in SVR.JS 3.0.0_</small>{" "}
- _dest_ - destination of redirect (_String_)
- _isTemporary_ - if _true_, then redirect with 302 code. Else redirect with 301 code. When _keepMethod_ parameter is set to _true_, then redirect with 307 code, when _isTemporary_ is true or with 308 code otherwise. (optional; _Boolean_)
- _keepMethod_ - if _true_, then redirect with either 307 or 308 code. Else redirect with etiher 301 or 302 code. (optional; _Boolean_; SVR.JS 3.13.0 or later)
- _headers_ - custom HTTP headers for redirect (optional; _Object_)
Redirects HTTP client to specific destination.
#### _parsePostData([options], callback)_
<small>_Added in SVR.JS 3.0.0_</small>{" "}
- _options_ - options to be passed to _formidable_ (optional; _Object_)
- _callback_ - callback to execute after parsing URL. (_Function_)
- _err_ - error, which occurred in POST data parsing. If not occured, it's _null_ (_Error_ or _null_)
- _fields_ - POST fields (_Object_)
- _files_ - Files sent (_Object_)
A wrapper over _formidable_ library, which is used for parsing request bodies of POST requests.
#### _authUser_
<small>_Added in SVR.JS 3.14.2_</small>
The name of authenticated HTTP user. If the user wasn't authenticated, the property would be _null_.
If you want to check if the request is authenticated in SVR.JS versions older than 3.14.2, you can use function shown below, that checks for an applicable 401 non-standard code in the server configuration:
function checkIfThereIsA401Rule() {
var actually401 = false;
function createRegex(regex) {
var regexObj = regex.split("/");
if (regexObj.length == 0) throw new Error("Invalid regex!");
var modifiers = regexObj.pop();
var searchString = regexObj.join("/");
return new RegExp(searchString, modifiers);
if (configJSON.nonStandardCodes) {
configJSON.nonStandardCodes.every(function (nonscode) {
if (nonscode.scode == 401) {
if (
nonscode.regex &&
(req.url.match(createRegex(nonscode.regex)) ||
) {
actually401 = true;
return true;
} else if (
nonscode.url &&
(nonStandardCodes[i].url == href ||
(os.platform() == "win32" &&
nonStandardCodes[i].url.toLowerCase() == href.toLowerCase()))
) {
actually401 = true;
return true;
return false;
return actually401;