--- title: SVR.JS API (.js mods) --- # SVR.JS API (_.js_ mods) SVR.JS has its API for _.js_ mods that expands its functionality. SVR.JS API extends vanilla Node.JS HTTP API. ## Error handling When a JavaScript error is thrown outside of event callbacks, SVR.JS will return a 500 error to the client. Inside event callbacks, SVR.JS will simply crash. ### Incorrect Error Handling: ```js //XXX WARNING!!! IT WILL CRASH THE SVR.JS!!! //It also contains path traversal vulnerability! module.exports = (req, res, logFacilities, config, next) => { let headers = config.getCustomHeaders(); headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=utf8"; if (req.parsedURL.pathname == "/page.svr") { fs.readFile(".template", (err, data) => { if (err) throw err; //EVIL!!! let id = req.parsedURL.query.id; if (!id) id = "index"; if (fs.existsSync("pages/" + id + ".html")) { fs.readFile("pages/" + id + ".html", (err2, data2) => { if (err2) throw err2; //EVIL TWO!!! res.writeHead(200, "OK", headers); res.end( data.toString().replace("{websiteContents}", data2.toString()) ); }); } else { res.error(404); } }); } else if (href == "/") { res.redirect("/page.svr"); } else { next(); } }; module.exports.modInfo = { name: "Custom server-side JavaScript", version: "0.0.0", }; ``` Instead, you should handle errors gracefully using `res.error` function: ### Correct Error Handling: ```js //Much better! module.exports = (req, res, logFacilities, config, next) => { let headers = config.getCustomHeaders(); headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=utf8"; if (req.parsedURL.pathname == "/page.svr") { fs.readFile(".template", (err, data) => { if (err) { res.error(500, err); return; } let id = req.parsedURL.query.id; if (!id) id = "index"; id = id .replace(/\\/g, "/") .replace(/(?:\/|^)\.\.(?=(\/|$))/g, "$1") .replace(/\/+/g, "/"); //Poor mans path sanitiation if (fs.existsSync("pages/" + id + ".html")) { fs.readFile("pages/" + id + ".html", (err2, data2) => { if (err2) { res.error(500, err2); return; } res.writeHead(200, "OK", headers); res.end( data.toString().replace("{websiteContents}", data2.toString()) ); }); } else { res.error(404); } }); } else if (href == "/") { res.redirect("/page.svr"); } else { next(); } }; module.exports.modInfo = { name: "Custom server-side JavaScript", version: "0.0.0", }; ``` By using `res.error`, you can handle errors effectively and provide appropriate error responses to the client, preventing SVR.JS from crashing due to unhandled exceptions. ## Main callback API (`module.exports`) _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ This API includes proxy requests, which don't use CONNECT method. It's possible to determine, if the request comes from the proxy with `req.isProxy` property. SVR.JS applies mods for request URLs beginning with "_http://_" or with "_https://_" (proxy through GET or POST method, non-proxy requests have request URLs beginning with "_/_") only if _module.exports.proxy_ method is present or if _module.exports.proxySafe_ property is set to `true`. ### _req_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ _req_ object is almost same, as _req_ object in Node.JS ### _req.socket.realRemoteAddress_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing IP address, from which request originally went from, if request is sent through reverse proxy. You can specify generic request IP variable using `const reqip = req.socket.realRemoteAddress ? req.socket.realRemoteAddress : req.socket.remoteAddress` ### _req.socket.realRemotePort_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing port number, from which request originally went from, if request is sent through reverse proxy. (for _X-Forwarded-For_ header, it will be _null_) You can specify generic request IP variable using `const reqip = req.socket.realRemotePort ? req.socket.realRemotePort : req.socket.remotePort` ### _req.socket.originalRemoteAddress_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing IP address, from which proxy request came from. If the request isn't a proxy request, it will be `undefined`. ### _req.socket.originalRemotePort_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing port number, from which proxy request came from. If the request isn't a proxy request, it will be `undefined`. ### _req.url_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing request URL after all processing (URL rewriting too). ### _req.parsedURL_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing parsed request URL created by a custom URL parser (compatible with legacy URL parser: `url.parse()`) ### _req.originalParsedURL_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing parsed request URL (before URL rewriting) created by a custom URL parser (compatible with legacy URL parser: `url.parse()`) ### _req.isProxy_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property that determines if request is a proxy request or not. ### _req.authUser_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ The name of authenticated HTTP user. If the user wasn't authenticated, the property would be _null_. ### _req.rewriteURL(rewrittenURL, callback)_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.5.0_ Parameters: - _rewrittenURL_ - the rewritten request URL (with query string) (_String_) - _callback_ - the callback invoked after the request URL (_Function_) Rewrites the request URL to the _rewrittenURL_ parameter. Also invokes the URL sanitizer after initial rewriting. ### _res_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ _res_ object is almost same, as _res_ object in Node.JS ### _res.socket.realRemoteAddress_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing IP address, from which request originally went from, if request is sent through reverse proxy. You can specify generic request IP variable using `const reqip = req.socket.realRemoteAddress ? req.socket.realRemoteAddress : req.socket.remoteAddress` ### _res.socket.realRemotePort_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing port number, from which request originally went from, if request is sent through reverse proxy. (for _X-Forwarded-For_ header, it will be _null_) You can specify generic request IP variable using `const reqip = req.socket.realRemotePort ? req.socket.realRemotePort : req.socket.remotePort` ### _res.socket.originalRemoteAddress_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing IP address, from which proxy request came from. If the request isn't a proxy request, it will be `undefined`. ### _res.socket.originalRemotePort_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing port number, from which proxy request came from. If the request isn't a proxy request, it will be `undefined`. ### _res.writeHead(statusCode[, statusMessage][, headers])_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Parameters: - _statusCode_ - the response status code (_String_) - _statusMessage_ - the response status message (optional; _String_) - _headers_ - the response headers (optional; _Object_) Returns: _res_ property (in SVR.JS 4.5.0 and later). The difference between _res.writeHead_ in Node.JS, and in SVR.JS is that in SVR.JS it writes into server log, doesn't invoke a warning about unused status code string, and if called multiple times will emit a warning, instead of throwing an error, which could crash SVR.JS. ### _res.setHeader(name, value)_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Parameters: - _name_ - the response header name (_String_) - _value_ - the response header value (optional; _String_ or _Array_) The difference between _res.setHeader_ in Node.JS, and in SVR.JS is that in SVR.JS it doesn't invoke a warning about HTTP/1.x headers being not allowed in HTTP/2. Custom headers defined in _config.json_ are set by default. ### _res.head_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ HTML head read from either _.head_ or _head.html_ file. ### _res.foot_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ HTML foot read from either _.foot_ or _foot.html_ file. ### _res.responseEnd(body)_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Parameters: - _body_ - message you want to send before ending response (_String_ or _Buffer_) Sends response message (along with custom head and foot) specified by _body_ parameter. ### _res.error(errorCode[, extName][, stack][, ch])_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Parameters: - _errorCode_ - HTTP error code (_Number_) - _extName_ - extension name, which caused an error (optional; _String_) - _stack_ - error stack (optional; _String_ or _Error_) - _ch_ - custom HTTP headers for error (optional; _Object_) Invokes HTTP error code. If it's unavailable, invokes 501 error code. ### _res.redirect(dest[, isTemporary][, keepMethod][, headers])_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Parameters: - _dest_ - destination of redirect (_String_) - _isTemporary_ - if _true_, then redirect with 302 code. Else redirect with 301 code. When _keepMethod_ parameter is set to _true_, then redirect with 307 code, when _isTemporary_ is true or with 308 code otherwise. (optional; _Boolean_) - _keepMethod_ - if _true_, then redirect with either 307 or 308 code. Else redirect with etiher 301 or 302 code. (optional; _Boolean_; SVR.JS 3.13.0 or later) - _headers_ - custom HTTP headers for redirect (optional; _Object_) Redirects HTTP client to specific destination. ### _logFacilities_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ The log facilities for SVR.JS. ### _logFacilities.climessage(message)_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Parameters: - _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_) Sends CLI message to server console. ### _logFacilities.reqmessage(message)_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Parameters: - _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_) Sends request message to server console. ### _logFacilities.resmessage(message)_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Parameters: - _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_) Sends response message to server console. ### _logFacilities.errmessage(message)_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Parameters: - _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_) Sends response error message to server console. ### _logFacilities.locerrmessage(message)_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Parameters: - _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_) Sends local error message to server console. ### _logFacilities.locwarnmessage(message)_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Parameters: - _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_) Sends local warning message to server console. ### _logFacilities.locmessage(message)_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Parameters: - _message_ - message you want to send to server console (_String_) Sends local message to server console. ### _config_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ This object contains properties from _config.json_ file. ### _config.wwwroot_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.2.0_ A normalized path to the webroot. In SVR.JS versions prior to 4.2.0, _config.wwwroot_ refers to the _wwwroot_ property from _config.json_ file. ### _config.getCustomHeaders()_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Returns: _Object_ property contains custom headers. This methods retrieves custom headers from _config.json_ file. Returned object additionally includes _Server_ header. ### _config.generateServerString()_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Returns: The generated server string. This methods generated the string which is used to identify a web server (the same string as in the "Server" header). ### _next()_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ Invokes next SVR.JS mod callback, SVR.JS server-side JavaScript callback or main SVR.JS callback. ## Proxy callback API (`module.exports.proxy`) _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ ### _req_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ _req_ object is the same, as _req_ object in Node.JS ### _socket_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ _socket_ object is the same, as _socket_ object in Node.JS ### _head_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ _head_ object is the same, as _head_ object in Node.JS ### _logFacilities_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ _See logFacilties in main callback API_ ### _config_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ _See config in main callback API_ ### _next()_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ _See next in main callback API_ ## Global variables (for use in callback APIs) ### _process.versions.svrjs_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing SVR.JS version. ### _process.serverConfiguration_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containing SVR.JS configuration from _config.json_ file. ### _process.dirname_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containg the SVR.JS installation directory. ### _process.filename_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containg the path to the SVR.JS script. ### _process.err4xxcounter_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containg the count of 4xx HTTP errors. ### _process.err5xxcounter_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containg the count of 5xx HTTP errors. ### _process.reqcounter_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containg the count of HTTP requests. ### _process.malformedcounter_ _Added in SVR.JS 4.0.0_ A property containg the count of malformed HTTP requests.