Current version of Berno allows SSI only in _.shtml_ files. Berno includes parts from very old version of RedBrick (1.x) to handle "exec" SSI directives.
Configuration file is _easywaf-config.json_ inside SVR.JS installation directory. Configuration is passed to easy-waf. You can see documentation at [its GitHub page]( This mod requires _easy-waf_ Node.js module.
From easy-waf-integration 1.2.4, there are additional configuration properties:
*_maxRequestCheckedSize_ - maximum size of the request body (in bytes) to be checked. Default is `65536` (64 KiB).
*_maxRequestCheckedSizeStrict_ - option to enable strict request body limits. If the limits are exceeded, then the server will return a 413 Content Too Large error. Default is `false`.
If you're using SVR.JS behind a reverse proxy, you need to configure _trustProxy_ property in _easy-waf_ configuration.
The webroot (_wwwroot_ _config.json_ property) serves as a Next.js application directory. It's recommended to set the owner of the Next.js application directory (around with all the files in it) as the user, on which SVR.JS is running (usually "svrjs"). Setting a `NODE_ENV` environment variable to `development` in SVR.JS configuration enables Next.js development server.
It's also recommended to forbid the access to ".env" file, ".next" and ".git" directories, in case Next.js integration mod fails to load. You can set up _nonStandardCodes__config.json_ property like this:
SvelteKit integration is a mod, that enables SVR.JS to serve SvelteKit applications.
The webroot (_wwwroot_ _config.json_ property) serves as a SvelteKit application directory. It's recommended to set the owner of the SvelteKit application directory (around with all the files in it) as the user, on which SVR.JS is running (usually "svrjs").
The SvelteKit application must have Node.js adapter (@sveltejs/adapter-node npm package) configured, and a "build" directory in order for the integration to work. You can generate the files in the "build" directory by running `npm run build` on the SvelteKit application.
It's also recommended to forbid the access to ".env" file, ".svelte-kit" and ".git" directories, in case SvelteKit integration mod fails to load. You can set up _nonStandardCodes__config.json_ property like this:
- A maximum response size to be cached in bytes. If `null`, the maximum response size is limited to the maximum size of JavaScript strings.
If you use this mod with SVR.JS's static file serving functionality, set the caching headers for the cache to work, and add "ETag" and "Accept-Encoding" to either a list of headers in a _Vary_ header or in the _cacheVaryHeaders_ property in the SVR.JS configuration.
_View the [change log.](/changelog/svrjs-cache-mod)_