If you installed SVR.JS using installer packages in April 5, 2024 and later, you can just run `sudo svrjs-updater` command to update SVR.JS to latest version. Once the update is done, restart your server OS or type `systemctl start svrjs` or `/etc/init.d/svrjs start` to restart SVR.JS.
For older installer packages, SVR.JS can be updated using SVR.JS updater by changing working directory to one containing SVR.JS updater, and running `sudo bash updater.sh` (**make sure _svrjs.zip_ file contains new version of SVR.JS**). Once the update is done, restart your server OS or type `systemctl start svrjs` or `/etc/init.d/svrjs start` to restart SVR.JS.
SVR.JS can be updated manually by extracting _svr.js_, _modules.compressed_ and _svr.compressed_ files from archive containing new version of SVR.JS to directory, to which older version of SVR.JS is installed (if you installed SVR.JS using SVR.JS installer, it is _/usr/lib/svrjs_ or _%SystemDrive%\svrjs\svrjs_). Then you can run `node svr.js` or `bun run svr.js` to extract new version of SVR.JS and new Node.JS modules.