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"" : "none") }, o.prototype.revokeChoice = function (e) { this.options.enabled = !0, this.clearStatus(), this.options.onRevokeChoice.call(this), e || this.autoOpen() }, o.prototype.hasAnswered = function (t) { return Object.keys(e.status).indexOf(this.getStatus()) >= 0 }, o.prototype.hasConsented = function (t) { var i = this.getStatus(); return i == e.status.allow || i == e.status.dismiss }, o.prototype.autoOpen = function (e) { !this.hasAnswered() && this.options.enabled ? this.open() : this.hasAnswered() && this.options.revokable && this.toggleRevokeButton(!0) }, o.prototype.setStatus = function (i) { var n = this.options.cookie, o = t.getCookie(n.name), s = Object.keys(e.status).indexOf(o) >= 0; Object.keys(e.status).indexOf(i) >= 0 ? (t.setCookie(n.name, i, n.expiryDays, n.domain, n.path, n.secure), this.options.onStatusChange.call(this, i, s)) : this.clearStatus() }, o.prototype.getStatus = function () { return t.getCookie(this.options.cookie.name) }, o.prototype.clearStatus = function () { var e = this.options.cookie; t.setCookie(e.name, "", -1, e.domain, e.path) }, o }(), e.Location = function () { var e = { timeout: 5e3, services: ["ipinfo"], serviceDefinitions: { ipinfo: function () { return { url: "//ipinfo.io", headers: ["Accept: application/json"], callback: function (e, t) { try { var i = JSON.parse(t); return i.error ? s(i) : { code: i.country } } catch (e) { return s({ error: "Invalid response (" + e + ")" }) } } } }, ipinfodb: function (e) { return { url: "//api.ipinfodb.com/v3/ip-country/?key={api_key}&format=json&callback={callback}", isScript: !0, callback: function (e, t) { try { var i = JSON.parse(t); return "ERROR" == i.statusCode ? s({ error: i.statusMessage }) : { code: i.countryCode } } catch (e) { return s({ error: "Invalid response (" + e + ")" }) } } } }, maxmind: function () { return { url: "//js.maxmind.com/js/apis/geoip2/v2.1/geoip2.js", isScript: !0, callback: function (e) { window.geoip2 ? geoip2.country(function (t) { try { e({ code: t.country.iso_code }) } catch (t) { e(s(t)) } }, function (t) { e(s(t)) }) : e(new Error("Unexpected response format. The downloaded script should have exported `geoip2` to the global scope")) } } } } }; function i(i) { t.deepExtend(this.options = {}, e), t.isPlainObject(i) && t.deepExtend(this.options, i), this.currentServiceIndex = -1 } function n(e, t, i) { var n, o = document.createElement("script"); o.type = "text/" + (e.type || "javascript"), o.src = e.src || e, o.async = !1, o.onreadystatechange = o.onload = function () { var e = o.readyState; clearTimeout(n), t.done || e && !/loaded|complete/.test(e) || (t.done = !0, t(), o.onreadystatechange = o.onload = null) }, document.body.appendChild(o), n = setTimeout(function () { t.done = !0, t(), o.onreadystatechange = o.onload = null }, i) } function o(e, t, i, n, o) { var s = new (window.XMLHttpRequest || window.ActiveXObject)("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0"); if (s.open(n ? "POST" : "GET", e, 1), s.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), Array.isArray(o)) for (var r = 0, a = o.length; r < a; ++r) { var c = o[r].split(":", 2); s.setRequestHeader(c[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""), c[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")) } "function" == typeof t && (s.onreadystatechange = function () { s.readyState > 3 && t(s) }), s.send(n) } function s(e) { return new Error("Error [" + (e.code || "UNKNOWN") + "]: " + e.error) } return i.prototype.getNextService = function () { var e; do { e = this.getServiceByIdx(++this.currentServiceIndex) } while (this.currentServiceIndex < this.options.services.length && !e); return e }, i.prototype.getServiceByIdx = function (e) { var i = this.options.services[e]; if ("function" == typeof i) { var n = i(); return n.name && t.deepExtend(n, this.options.serviceDefinitions[n.name](n)), n } return "string" == typeof i ? this.options.serviceDefinitions[i]() : t.isPlainObject(i) ? this.options.serviceDefinitions[i.name](i) : null }, i.prototype.locate = function (e, t) { var i = this.getNextService(); i ? (this.callbackComplete = e, this.callbackError = t, this.runService(i, this.runNextServiceOnError.bind(this))) : t(new Error("No services to run")) }, i.prototype.setupUrl = function (e) { var t = this.getCurrentServiceOpts(); return e.url.replace(/\{(.*?)\}/g, function (i, n) { if ("callback" === n) { var o = "callback" + Date.now(); return window[o] = function (t) { e.__JSONP_DATA = JSON.stringify(t) }, o } if (n in t.interpolateUrl) return t.interpolateUrl[n] }) }, i.prototype.runService = function (e, t) { var i = this; e && e.url && e.callback && (e.isScript ? n : o)(this.setupUrl(e), function (n) { var o = n ? n.responseText : ""; e.__JSONP_DATA && (o = e.__JSONP_DATA, delete e.__JSONP_DATA), i.runServiceCallback.call(i, t, e, o) }, this.options.timeout, e.data, e.headers) }, i.prototype.runServiceCallback = function (e, t, i) { var n = this, o = t.callback(function (t) { o || n.onServiceResult.call(n, e, t) }, i); o && this.onServiceResult.call(this, e, o) }, i.prototype.onServiceResult = function (e, t) { t instanceof Error || t && t.error ? e.call(this, t, null) : e.call(this, null, t) }, i.prototype.runNextServiceOnError = function (e, t) { if (e) { this.logError(e); var i = this.getNextService(); i ? this.runService(i, this.runNextServiceOnError.bind(this)) : this.completeService.call(this, this.callbackError, new Error("All services failed")) } else this.completeService.call(this, this.callbackComplete, t) }, i.prototype.getCurrentServiceOpts = function () { var e = this.options.services[this.currentServiceIndex]; return "string" == typeof e ? { name: e } : "function" == typeof e ? e() : t.isPlainObject(e) ? e : {} }, i.prototype.completeService = function (e, t) { this.currentServiceIndex = -1, e && e(t) }, i.prototype.logError = function (e) { var t = this.currentServiceIndex, i = this.getServiceByIdx(t); console.warn("The service[" + t + "] (" + i.url + ") responded with the following error", e) }, i }(), e.Law = function () { var e = { regionalLaw: !0, hasLaw: ["AT", "BE", "BG", "HR", "CZ", "CY", "DK", "EE", "FI", "FR", "DE", "EL", "HU", "IE", "IT", "LV", "LT", "LU", "MT", "NL", "PL", "PT", "SK", "ES", "SE", "GB", "UK", "GR", "EU"], revokable: ["HR", "CY", "DK", "EE", "FR", "DE", "LV", "LT", "NL", "PT", "ES"], explicitAction: ["HR", "IT", "ES"] }; function i(e) { this.initialise.apply(this, arguments) } return i.prototype.initialise = function (i) { t.deepExtend(this.options = {}, e), t.isPlainObject(i) && t.deepExtend(this.options, i) }, i.prototype.get = function (e) { var t = this.options; return { hasLaw: t.hasLaw.indexOf(e) >= 0, revokable: t.revokable.indexOf(e) >= 0, explicitAction: t.explicitAction.indexOf(e) >= 0 } }, i.prototype.applyLaw = function (e, t) { var i = this.get(t); return i.hasLaw || (e.enabled = !1, "function" == typeof e.onNoCookieLaw && e.onNoCookieLaw(t, i)), this.options.regionalLaw && (i.revokable && (e.revokable = !0), i.explicitAction && (e.dismissOnScroll = !1, e.dismissOnTimeout = !1)), e }, i }(), e.initialise = function (i, n, o) { var s = new e.Law(i.law); n || (n = function () { }), o || (o = function () { }); var r = Object.keys(e.status), a = t.getCookie("cookieconsent_status"); r.indexOf(a) >= 0 ? n(new e.Popup(i)) : e.getCountryCode(i, function (t) { delete i.law, delete i.location, t.code && (i = s.applyLaw(i, t.code)), n(new e.Popup(i)) }, function (t) { delete i.law, delete i.location, o(t, new e.Popup(i)) }) }, e.getCountryCode = function (t, i, n) { t.law && t.law.countryCode ? i({ code: t.law.countryCode }) : t.location ? new e.Location(t.location).locate(function (e) { i(e || {}) }, n) : i({}) }, e.utils = t, e.hasInitialised = !0, window.cookieconsent = e } }(window.cookieconsent || {});