2024-12-27 15:05:54 +01:00
< ? php
if ( ! defined ( 'SVRJS_MOD_DIRECTORY' )) die ;
$errorMessage = null ;
$modSubmitted = false ;
$slug = null ;
if ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] == 'POST' ) {
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ '_csrf' ]) || $_POST [ '_csrf' ] != $_SESSION [ 'csrf' ]) {
$errorMessage = " Potential CSRF attack detected. " ;
} elseif ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'name' ], $_POST [ 'category' ], $_POST [ 'link' ]) || ! $_POST [ 'name' ] || ! $_POST [ 'category' ] || ! $_POST [ 'link' ]) {
$errorMessage = " You need to input name, category and download page URL. " ;
} elseif ( ! filter_var ( $_POST [ 'link' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) || ! preg_match ( '/^https?:\\/\\//' , $_POST [ 'link' ])) {
$errorMessage = " Invalid download page URL. " ;
} elseif ( isset ( $_POST [ 'docslink' ]) && $_POST [ 'docslink' ] && ( ! filter_var ( $_POST [ 'docslink' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) || ! preg_match ( '/^https?:\\/\\//' , $_POST [ 'docslink' ]))) {
$errorMessage = " Invalid documentation URL. " ;
} elseif ( ! filter_var ( $_POST [ 'category' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT )) {
$errorMessage = " Invalid category. " ;
} else {
$categoryID = intval ( $_POST [ 'category' ]);
$statement = $connection -> prepare ( " SELECT id FROM categories WHERE id = ? " );
if ( ! $statement ) {
$errorMessage = " An unexpected error occurred while submitting the mod. " ;
} else {
$statement -> bind_param ( 'i' , $categoryID );
$statement -> execute ();
$result = $statement -> get_result ();
if ( ! $result ) {
$errorMessage = " An unexpected error occurred while submitting the mod. " ;
$statement -> close ();
} else {
$isCategoryPresent = boolval ( $result -> fetch_assoc ());
$statement -> close ();
if ( ! $isCategoryPresent ) {
$errorMessage = " The selected category doesn't exist. " ;
} else {
$slugError = false ;
$tempSlug = null ;
$tempSlugCount = 1 ;
while ( is_null ( $slug )) {
if ( ! $tempSlug ) {
$tempSlug = strtolower ( $_POST [ 'name' ]);
$tempSlug = preg_replace ( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/' , '-' , $tempSlug );
$tempSlug = preg_replace ( '/^-+/' , '' , $tempSlug );
$tempSlug = preg_replace ( '/-+$/' , '' , $tempSlug );
$statement = $connection -> prepare ( " SELECT slug FROM mods WHERE slug = ? UNION SELECT slug FROM mods_pending WHERE slug = ? " );
if ( ! $statement ) {
$slugError = true ;
$errorMessage = " An unexpected error occurred while submitting the mod. " ;
break ;
} else {
$tempSlug2 = $tempSlug . ( $tempSlugCount > 1 ? '-' . strval ( $tempSlugCount ) : '' );
$statement -> bind_param ( 'ss' , $tempSlug2 , $tempSlug2 );
$statement -> execute ();
$slugExistsResult = $statement -> get_result ();
if ( ! $slugExistsResult ) {
$slugError = true ;
$errorMessage = " An unexpected error occurred while submitting the mod. " ;
$statement -> close ();
break ;
} else {
$slugExists = boolval ( $slugExistsResult -> fetch_assoc ());
$statement -> close ();
if ( ! $slugExists ) {
$slug = $tempSlug2 ;
} else {
$tempSlugCount ++ ;
if ( ! $slugError ) {
$fileError = false ;
$fileExtension = null ;
$modPendingUploadDirectory = APP_FSROOT . '/img/mods_pending' ;
$modUploadDirectory = APP_FSROOT . '/img/mods' ;
if ( isset ( $_FILES [ 'cover' ]) && $_FILES [ 'cover' ][ 'error' ] != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE ) {
if ( $_FILES [ 'cover' ][ 'error' ] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK ) {
$fileError = true ;
$errorMessage = " An unexpected error occurred while uploading the cover image. " ;
} else {
$fileTmpPath = $_FILES [ 'cover' ][ 'tmp_name' ];
$fileName = $_FILES [ 'cover' ][ 'name' ];
$fileSize = $_FILES [ 'cover' ][ 'size' ];
$fileType = $_FILES [ 'cover' ][ 'type' ];
$fileExtension = pathinfo ( $fileName , PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
if ( $fileSize > IMAGE_MAX_SIZE ) {
$fileError = true ;
$errorMessage = " The cover image is too large. Maximum cover image size: " . formatFileSize ( IMAGE_MAX_SIZE );
} elseif ( ! in_array ( $fileExtension , IMAGE_EXTENSIONS_ALLOWED , true )) {
$fileError = true ;
$errorMessage = " Invalid cover image extension. " ;
} else {
$imageType = exif_imagetype ( $fileTmpPath );
if ( ! $imageType || ( $fileType && image_type_to_mime_type ( $imageType ) != $fileType )) {
$fileError = true ;
$errorMessage = " The cover image is either corrupted or of wrong type. " ;
} else {
if ( ! file_exists ( $modPendingUploadDirectory ) && ! mkdir ( $modPendingUploadDirectory , 0777 , true )) {
$fileError = true ;
$errorMessage = " An unexpected error occurred while uploading the cover image. " ;
if ( ! $fileError ) {
2025-01-20 23:50:49 +01:00
$uploadedCoverImagePathname = $modPendingUploadDirectory . '/' . str_replace ([ '/' , '\\' ], '' , $slug ) . '.' . $fileExtension ;
2024-12-27 15:05:54 +01:00
if ( ! move_uploaded_file ( $fileTmpPath , $uploadedCoverImagePathname )) {
$fileError = true ;
$errorMessage = " An unexpected error occurred while uploading the cover image. " ;
if ( ! $fileError ) {
$statement = $connection -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO mods_pending (
name ,
slug ,
description ,
category ,
link ,
docs_link ,
user ,
image_ext ,
is_paid ,
? ,
? ,
? ,
? ,
? ,
? ,
? ,
? ,
? ,
) " );
if ( ! $statement ) {
$errorMessage = " An unexpected error occurred while submitting the mod. " ;
} else {
$modName = $_POST [ 'name' ];
$modSlug = $slug ;
$modDescription = isset ( $_POST [ 'description' ]) && $_POST [ 'description' ] ? $_POST [ 'description' ] : null ;
$modCategory = $categoryID ;
$modLink = $_POST [ 'link' ];
$modDocsLink = isset ( $_POST [ 'docslink' ]) && $_POST [ 'docslink' ] ? $_POST [ 'docslink' ] : null ;
$modUser = $_SESSION [ 'user' ];
$modImageExt = $fileExtension ;
$modIsPaid = isset ( $_POST [ 'paid' ]) ? 1 : 0 ;
$statement -> bind_param ( 'sssissisi' , $modName , $modSlug , $modDescription , $modCategory , $modLink , $modDocsLink , $modUser , $modImageExt , $modIsPaid );
if ( ! $statement -> execute ()) {
$errorMessage = " An unexpected error occurred while submitting the mod. " ;
$statement -> close ();
} else {
$modSubmitted = true ;
$statement -> close ();
if ( ! $modSubmitted ) {
$pageTitle = " Submit mod " ;
$pageDescription = " Submit the SVR.JS mod in SVR.JS Mods directory. " ;
} else {
$pageTitle = " Mod submitted " ;
$pageDescription = " The submitted mod is now awaiting moderators' approval. " ;
include 'header.php' ;
< main class = " content " >
< ? php if ( $modSubmitted ) { ?>
< h1 > Mod submitted </ h1 >
< p > The submitted mod is now awaiting moderators ' approval .</ p >
< p >< a href = " <?php echo htmlspecialchars((URL_REWRITTEN ? APP_ROOT : APP_ROOT . APP_FILENAME . '/') . 'pending-mods'); ?> " class = " btn " > View pending mods </ a ></ p >
< ? php } else { ?>
< h1 > Submit mod </ h1 >
< form action = " <?php echo htmlspecialchars((URL_REWRITTEN ? APP_ROOT : APP_ROOT . APP_FILENAME . '/') . 'submit') ?> " method = " post " class = " form " enctype = " multipart/form-data " >
< div class = " form-block " >
< label for = " name " > Mod name :</ label >
< input type = " text " id = " name " name = " name " required maxlength = " 255 " >
</ div >
< div class = " form-block " >
< label for = " cover " > Cover image :</ label >
< input type = " file " id = " cover " name = " cover " accept = " <?php echo htmlspecialchars(implode(',', array_map(
function ( $extension ) {
return '.' . $extension ;
))) ?> ">
< p > Allowed file extensions for the cover image : < strong >< ? php echo htmlspecialchars ( implode ( ', ' , array_map (
function ( $extension ) {
return '.' . $extension ;
))) ?> </strong></p>
</ div >
< div class = " form-block " >
< label for = " category " > Category :</ label >
< select id = " category " name = " category " required >
< ? php
$result = $connection -> query ( 'SELECT id, name FROM categories' );
if ( $result ) {
while ( $row = $result -> fetch_assoc ()) {
echo '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars ( strval ( $row [ 'id' ])) . '">' . htmlspecialchars ( $row [ 'name' ]) . '</option>' ;
</ select >
</ div >
< div class = " form-block " >
< label for = " description " > Mod description :</ label >
< textarea name = " description " id = " description " maxlength = " 10000 " ></ textarea >
</ div >
< div class = " form-block " >
< label for = " link " > Download page URL :</ label >
< input type = " url " id = " link " name = " link " required maxlength = " 255 " >
</ div >
< div class = " form-block " >
< label for = " docslink " > Documentation URL :</ label >
< input type = " url " id = " docslink " name = " docslink " maxlength = " 255 " >
</ div >
< div class = " form-block-checkbox " >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " paid " id = " paid " >
< label for = " paid " > Paid ? </ label >
</ div >
< ? php if ( $errorMessage ) echo '<p class="form-error">' . htmlspecialchars ( $errorMessage ) . '</p>' ; ?>
< div class = " form-block " >
< input type = " submit " value = " Submit mod " >
</ div >
< input type = " hidden " name = " _csrf " value = " <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $_SESSION['csrf'] ) ?> " >
</ form >
< ? php } ?>
</ main >
< ? php
include 'footer.php' ;
if ( $modSubmitted ) {
$moderatorResult = $connection -> query ( " SELECT email AS address, username AS name FROM users WHERE is_moderator = 1; " );
if ( $moderatorResult ) {
$moderators = [];
while ( $moderator = $moderatorResult -> fetch_assoc ()) {
array_push ( $moderators , $moderator );
sendEmail ( $moderators , 'A mod has been submitted that requires approval' , " A mod has been submitted that requires approval: \n \n Mod name: " . str_replace ([ " \r \n " , " \r " , " \n " ], '' , $_POST [ 'name' ]) . " \n Slug: " . $slug . " \n \n Please review the mod and approve or reject it. " );
2025-01-20 23:50:49 +01:00