const { parseCacheControl, parseVary, shouldCacheResponse, isCacheValid } = require("../../src/utils/cacheControlUtils.js"); describe("parseCacheControl", () => { test("should return an empty object if header is null or undefined", () => { expect(parseCacheControl(null)).toEqual({}); expect(parseCacheControl(undefined)).toEqual({}); }); test("should parse cache-control header correctly", () => { const header = "max-age=3600, no-cache, private"; expect(parseCacheControl(header)).toEqual({ "max-age": "3600", "no-cache": true, private: true }); }); test("should handle directives without values", () => { const header = "no-store, public"; expect(parseCacheControl(header)).toEqual({ "no-store": true, public: true }); }); test("should trim whitespace correctly", () => { const header = " max-age = 3600 , no-cache , private "; expect(parseCacheControl(header)).toEqual({ "max-age": "3600", "no-cache": true, private: true }); }); }); describe("parseVary", () => { test("should return an empty array if header is null or undefined", () => { expect(parseVary(null)).toEqual([]); expect(parseVary(undefined)).toEqual([]); }); test("should parse vary header correctly", () => { const header = "Accept-Encoding, User-Agent"; expect(parseVary(header)).toEqual(["Accept-Encoding", "User-Agent"]); }); test("should trim whitespace correctly", () => { const header = " Accept-Encoding , User-Agent "; expect(parseVary(header)).toEqual(["Accept-Encoding", "User-Agent"]); }); }); describe("shouldCacheResponse", () => { test("should return false if no-store is present", () => { const cacheControl = { "no-store": true }; expect(shouldCacheResponse(cacheControl, false)).toBe(false); }); test("should return false if private is present", () => { const cacheControl = { private: true }; expect(shouldCacheResponse(cacheControl, false)).toBe(false); }); test("should return true if public is present", () => { const cacheControl = { public: true }; expect(shouldCacheResponse(cacheControl, false)).toBe(true); }); test("should return true if max-age is present and not authenticated", () => { const cacheControl = { "max-age": "3600" }; expect(shouldCacheResponse(cacheControl, false)).toBe(true); }); test("should return false if max-age is present and authenticated", () => { const cacheControl = { "max-age": "3600" }; expect(shouldCacheResponse(cacheControl, true)).toBe(false); }); test("should return true if s-maxage is present and not authenticated", () => { const cacheControl = { "s-maxage": "3600" }; expect(shouldCacheResponse(cacheControl, false)).toBe(true); }); test("should return false if s-maxage is present and authenticated", () => { const cacheControl = { "s-maxage": "3600" }; expect(shouldCacheResponse(cacheControl, true)).toBe(false); }); test("should return false if no relevant directives are present", () => { const cacheControl = {}; expect(shouldCacheResponse(cacheControl, false)).toBe(false); }); }); describe("isCacheValid", () => { test("should return false if cache is expired", () => { const entry = { timestamp: - 4000, cacheControl: { "max-age": "3" } }; const requestHeaders = {}; expect(isCacheValid(entry, requestHeaders)).toBe(false); }); test("should return false if no-cache is present in request headers", () => { const entry = { timestamp:, cacheControl: { "max-age": "3600" } }; const requestHeaders = { "cache-control": "no-cache" }; expect(isCacheValid(entry, requestHeaders)).toBe(false); }); test("should return true if cache is valid", () => { const entry = { timestamp:, cacheControl: { "max-age": "3600" } }; const requestHeaders = {}; expect(isCacheValid(entry, requestHeaders)).toBe(true); }); });