var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: () => DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, NodeHttp2Handler: () => NodeHttp2Handler, NodeHttpHandler: () => NodeHttpHandler, streamCollector: () => streamCollector }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); // src/node-http-handler.ts var import_protocol_http = require("@smithy/protocol-http"); var import_querystring_builder = require("@smithy/querystring-builder"); var import_http = require("http"); var import_https = require("https"); // src/constants.ts var NODEJS_TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODES = ["ECONNRESET", "EPIPE", "ETIMEDOUT"]; // src/get-transformed-headers.ts var getTransformedHeaders = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((headers) => { const transformedHeaders = {}; for (const name of Object.keys(headers)) { const headerValues = headers[name]; transformedHeaders[name] = Array.isArray(headerValues) ? headerValues.join(",") : headerValues; } return transformedHeaders; }, "getTransformedHeaders"); // src/set-connection-timeout.ts var setConnectionTimeout = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((request, reject, timeoutInMs = 0) => { if (!timeoutInMs) { return; } const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { request.destroy(); reject( Object.assign(new Error(`Socket timed out without establishing a connection within ${timeoutInMs} ms`), { name: "TimeoutError" }) ); }, timeoutInMs); request.on("socket", (socket) => { if (socket.connecting) { socket.on("connect", () => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); }); } else { clearTimeout(timeoutId); } }); }, "setConnectionTimeout"); // src/set-socket-keep-alive.ts var setSocketKeepAlive = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((request, { keepAlive, keepAliveMsecs }) => { if (keepAlive !== true) { return; } request.on("socket", (socket) => { socket.setKeepAlive(keepAlive, keepAliveMsecs || 0); }); }, "setSocketKeepAlive"); // src/set-socket-timeout.ts var setSocketTimeout = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((request, reject, timeoutInMs = 0) => { request.setTimeout(timeoutInMs, () => { request.destroy(); reject(Object.assign(new Error(`Connection timed out after ${timeoutInMs} ms`), { name: "TimeoutError" })); }); }, "setSocketTimeout"); // src/write-request-body.ts var import_stream = require("stream"); var MIN_WAIT_TIME = 1e3; async function writeRequestBody(httpRequest, request, maxContinueTimeoutMs = MIN_WAIT_TIME) { const headers = request.headers ?? {}; const expect = headers["Expect"] || headers["expect"]; let timeoutId = -1; let hasError = false; if (expect === "100-continue") { await Promise.race([ new Promise((resolve) => { timeoutId = Number(setTimeout(resolve, Math.max(MIN_WAIT_TIME, maxContinueTimeoutMs))); }), new Promise((resolve) => { httpRequest.on("continue", () => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); resolve(); }); httpRequest.on("error", () => { hasError = true; clearTimeout(timeoutId); resolve(); }); }) ]); } if (!hasError) { writeBody(httpRequest, request.body); } } __name(writeRequestBody, "writeRequestBody"); function writeBody(httpRequest, body) { if (body instanceof import_stream.Readable) { body.pipe(httpRequest); return; } if (body) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(body) || typeof body === "string") { httpRequest.end(body); return; } const uint8 = body; if (typeof uint8 === "object" && uint8.buffer && typeof uint8.byteOffset === "number" && typeof uint8.byteLength === "number") { httpRequest.end(Buffer.from(uint8.buffer, uint8.byteOffset, uint8.byteLength)); return; } httpRequest.end(Buffer.from(body)); return; } httpRequest.end(); } __name(writeBody, "writeBody"); // src/node-http-handler.ts var DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 0; var _NodeHttpHandler = class _NodeHttpHandler { constructor(options) { this.socketWarningTimestamp = 0; // Node http handler is hard-coded to http/1.1: this.metadata = { handlerProtocol: "http/1.1" }; this.configProvider = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (typeof options === "function") { options().then((_options) => { resolve(this.resolveDefaultConfig(_options)); }).catch(reject); } else { resolve(this.resolveDefaultConfig(options)); } }); } /** * @returns the input if it is an HttpHandler of any class, * or instantiates a new instance of this handler. */ static create(instanceOrOptions) { if (typeof (instanceOrOptions == null ? void 0 : instanceOrOptions.handle) === "function") { return instanceOrOptions; } return new _NodeHttpHandler(instanceOrOptions); } /** * @internal * * @param agent - http(s) agent in use by the NodeHttpHandler instance. * @returns timestamp of last emitted warning. */ static checkSocketUsage(agent, socketWarningTimestamp) { var _a, _b; const { sockets, requests, maxSockets } = agent; if (typeof maxSockets !== "number" || maxSockets === Infinity) { return socketWarningTimestamp; } const interval = 15e3; if ( - interval < socketWarningTimestamp) { return socketWarningTimestamp; } if (sockets && requests) { for (const origin in sockets) { const socketsInUse = ((_a = sockets[origin]) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) ?? 0; const requestsEnqueued = ((_b = requests[origin]) == null ? void 0 : _b.length) ?? 0; if (socketsInUse >= maxSockets && requestsEnqueued >= 2 * maxSockets) { console.warn( "@smithy/node-http-handler:WARN", `socket usage at capacity=${socketsInUse} and ${requestsEnqueued} additional requests are enqueued.`, "See", "or increase socketAcquisitionWarningTimeout=(millis) in the NodeHttpHandler config." ); return; } } } return socketWarningTimestamp; } resolveDefaultConfig(options) { const { requestTimeout, connectionTimeout, socketTimeout, httpAgent, httpsAgent } = options || {}; const keepAlive = true; const maxSockets = 50; return { connectionTimeout, requestTimeout: requestTimeout ?? socketTimeout, httpAgent: (() => { if (httpAgent instanceof import_http.Agent || typeof (httpAgent == null ? void 0 : httpAgent.destroy) === "function") { return httpAgent; } return new import_http.Agent({ keepAlive, maxSockets, ...httpAgent }); })(), httpsAgent: (() => { if (httpsAgent instanceof import_https.Agent || typeof (httpsAgent == null ? void 0 : httpsAgent.destroy) === "function") { return httpsAgent; } return new import_https.Agent({ keepAlive, maxSockets, ...httpsAgent }); })() }; } destroy() { var _a, _b, _c, _d; (_b = (_a = this.config) == null ? void 0 : _a.httpAgent) == null ? void 0 : _b.destroy(); (_d = (_c = this.config) == null ? void 0 : _c.httpsAgent) == null ? void 0 : _d.destroy(); } async handle(request, { abortSignal } = {}) { if (!this.config) { this.config = await this.configProvider; } let socketCheckTimeoutId; return new Promise((_resolve, _reject) => { let writeRequestBodyPromise = void 0; const resolve = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (arg) => { await writeRequestBodyPromise; clearTimeout(socketCheckTimeoutId); _resolve(arg); }, "resolve"); const reject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (arg) => { await writeRequestBodyPromise; _reject(arg); }, "reject"); if (!this.config) { throw new Error("Node HTTP request handler config is not resolved"); } if (abortSignal == null ? void 0 : abortSignal.aborted) { const abortError = new Error("Request aborted"); = "AbortError"; reject(abortError); return; } const isSSL = request.protocol === "https:"; const agent = isSSL ? this.config.httpsAgent : this.config.httpAgent; socketCheckTimeoutId = setTimeout( () => { this.socketWarningTimestamp = _NodeHttpHandler.checkSocketUsage(agent, this.socketWarningTimestamp); }, this.config.socketAcquisitionWarningTimeout ?? (this.config.requestTimeout ?? 2e3) + (this.config.connectionTimeout ?? 1e3) ); const queryString = (0, import_querystring_builder.buildQueryString)(request.query || {}); let auth = void 0; if (request.username != null || request.password != null) { const username = request.username ?? ""; const password = request.password ?? ""; auth = `${username}:${password}`; } let path = request.path; if (queryString) { path += `?${queryString}`; } if (request.fragment) { path += `#${request.fragment}`; } const nodeHttpsOptions = { headers: request.headers, host: request.hostname, method: request.method, path, port: request.port, agent, auth }; const requestFunc = isSSL ? import_https.request : import_http.request; const req = requestFunc(nodeHttpsOptions, (res) => { const httpResponse = new import_protocol_http.HttpResponse({ statusCode: res.statusCode || -1, reason: res.statusMessage, headers: getTransformedHeaders(res.headers), body: res }); resolve({ response: httpResponse }); }); req.on("error", (err) => { if (NODEJS_TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODES.includes(err.code)) { reject(Object.assign(err, { name: "TimeoutError" })); } else { reject(err); } }); setConnectionTimeout(req, reject, this.config.connectionTimeout); setSocketTimeout(req, reject, this.config.requestTimeout); if (abortSignal) { abortSignal.onabort = () => { req.abort(); const abortError = new Error("Request aborted"); = "AbortError"; reject(abortError); }; } const httpAgent = nodeHttpsOptions.agent; if (typeof httpAgent === "object" && "keepAlive" in httpAgent) { setSocketKeepAlive(req, { // @ts-expect-error keepAlive is not public on httpAgent. keepAlive: httpAgent.keepAlive, // @ts-expect-error keepAliveMsecs is not public on httpAgent. keepAliveMsecs: httpAgent.keepAliveMsecs }); } writeRequestBodyPromise = writeRequestBody(req, request, this.config.requestTimeout).catch(_reject); }); } updateHttpClientConfig(key, value) { this.config = void 0; this.configProvider = this.configProvider.then((config) => { return { ...config, [key]: value }; }); } httpHandlerConfigs() { return this.config ?? {}; } }; __name(_NodeHttpHandler, "NodeHttpHandler"); var NodeHttpHandler = _NodeHttpHandler; // src/node-http2-handler.ts var import_http22 = require("http2"); // src/node-http2-connection-manager.ts var import_http2 = __toESM(require("http2")); // src/node-http2-connection-pool.ts var _NodeHttp2ConnectionPool = class _NodeHttp2ConnectionPool { constructor(sessions) { this.sessions = []; this.sessions = sessions ?? []; } poll() { if (this.sessions.length > 0) { return this.sessions.shift(); } } offerLast(session) { this.sessions.push(session); } contains(session) { return this.sessions.includes(session); } remove(session) { this.sessions = this.sessions.filter((s) => s !== session); } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.sessions[Symbol.iterator](); } destroy(connection) { for (const session of this.sessions) { if (session === connection) { if (!session.destroyed) { session.destroy(); } } } } }; __name(_NodeHttp2ConnectionPool, "NodeHttp2ConnectionPool"); var NodeHttp2ConnectionPool = _NodeHttp2ConnectionPool; // src/node-http2-connection-manager.ts var _NodeHttp2ConnectionManager = class _NodeHttp2ConnectionManager { constructor(config) { this.sessionCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.config = config; if (this.config.maxConcurrency && this.config.maxConcurrency <= 0) { throw new RangeError("maxConcurrency must be greater than zero."); } } lease(requestContext, connectionConfiguration) { const url = this.getUrlString(requestContext); const existingPool = this.sessionCache.get(url); if (existingPool) { const existingSession = existingPool.poll(); if (existingSession && !this.config.disableConcurrency) { return existingSession; } } const session = import_http2.default.connect(url); if (this.config.maxConcurrency) { session.settings({ maxConcurrentStreams: this.config.maxConcurrency }, (err) => { if (err) { throw new Error( "Fail to set maxConcurrentStreams to " + this.config.maxConcurrency + "when creating new session for " + requestContext.destination.toString() ); } }); } session.unref(); const destroySessionCb = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { session.destroy(); this.deleteSession(url, session); }, "destroySessionCb"); session.on("goaway", destroySessionCb); session.on("error", destroySessionCb); session.on("frameError", destroySessionCb); session.on("close", () => this.deleteSession(url, session)); if (connectionConfiguration.requestTimeout) { session.setTimeout(connectionConfiguration.requestTimeout, destroySessionCb); } const connectionPool = this.sessionCache.get(url) || new NodeHttp2ConnectionPool(); connectionPool.offerLast(session); this.sessionCache.set(url, connectionPool); return session; } /** * Delete a session from the connection pool. * @param authority The authority of the session to delete. * @param session The session to delete. */ deleteSession(authority, session) { const existingConnectionPool = this.sessionCache.get(authority); if (!existingConnectionPool) { return; } if (!existingConnectionPool.contains(session)) { return; } existingConnectionPool.remove(session); this.sessionCache.set(authority, existingConnectionPool); } release(requestContext, session) { var _a; const cacheKey = this.getUrlString(requestContext); (_a = this.sessionCache.get(cacheKey)) == null ? void 0 : _a.offerLast(session); } destroy() { for (const [key, connectionPool] of this.sessionCache) { for (const session of connectionPool) { if (!session.destroyed) { session.destroy(); } connectionPool.remove(session); } this.sessionCache.delete(key); } } setMaxConcurrentStreams(maxConcurrentStreams) { if (this.config.maxConcurrency && this.config.maxConcurrency <= 0) { throw new RangeError("maxConcurrentStreams must be greater than zero."); } this.config.maxConcurrency = maxConcurrentStreams; } setDisableConcurrentStreams(disableConcurrentStreams) { this.config.disableConcurrency = disableConcurrentStreams; } getUrlString(request) { return request.destination.toString(); } }; __name(_NodeHttp2ConnectionManager, "NodeHttp2ConnectionManager"); var NodeHttp2ConnectionManager = _NodeHttp2ConnectionManager; // src/node-http2-handler.ts var _NodeHttp2Handler = class _NodeHttp2Handler { constructor(options) { this.metadata = { handlerProtocol: "h2" }; this.connectionManager = new NodeHttp2ConnectionManager({}); this.configProvider = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (typeof options === "function") { options().then((opts) => { resolve(opts || {}); }).catch(reject); } else { resolve(options || {}); } }); } /** * @returns the input if it is an HttpHandler of any class, * or instantiates a new instance of this handler. */ static create(instanceOrOptions) { if (typeof (instanceOrOptions == null ? void 0 : instanceOrOptions.handle) === "function") { return instanceOrOptions; } return new _NodeHttp2Handler(instanceOrOptions); } destroy() { this.connectionManager.destroy(); } async handle(request, { abortSignal } = {}) { if (!this.config) { this.config = await this.configProvider; this.connectionManager.setDisableConcurrentStreams(this.config.disableConcurrentStreams || false); if (this.config.maxConcurrentStreams) { this.connectionManager.setMaxConcurrentStreams(this.config.maxConcurrentStreams); } } const { requestTimeout, disableConcurrentStreams } = this.config; return new Promise((_resolve, _reject) => { var _a; let fulfilled = false; let writeRequestBodyPromise = void 0; const resolve = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (arg) => { await writeRequestBodyPromise; _resolve(arg); }, "resolve"); const reject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (arg) => { await writeRequestBodyPromise; _reject(arg); }, "reject"); if (abortSignal == null ? void 0 : abortSignal.aborted) { fulfilled = true; const abortError = new Error("Request aborted"); = "AbortError"; reject(abortError); return; } const { hostname, method, port, protocol, query } = request; let auth = ""; if (request.username != null || request.password != null) { const username = request.username ?? ""; const password = request.password ?? ""; auth = `${username}:${password}@`; } const authority = `${protocol}//${auth}${hostname}${port ? `:${port}` : ""}`; const requestContext = { destination: new URL(authority) }; const session =, { requestTimeout: (_a = this.config) == null ? void 0 : _a.sessionTimeout, disableConcurrentStreams: disableConcurrentStreams || false }); const rejectWithDestroy = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((err) => { if (disableConcurrentStreams) { this.destroySession(session); } fulfilled = true; reject(err); }, "rejectWithDestroy"); const queryString = (0, import_querystring_builder.buildQueryString)(query || {}); let path = request.path; if (queryString) { path += `?${queryString}`; } if (request.fragment) { path += `#${request.fragment}`; } const req = session.request({ ...request.headers, [import_http22.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_PATH]: path, [import_http22.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD]: method }); session.ref(); req.on("response", (headers) => { const httpResponse = new import_protocol_http.HttpResponse({ statusCode: headers[":status"] || -1, headers: getTransformedHeaders(headers), body: req }); fulfilled = true; resolve({ response: httpResponse }); if (disableConcurrentStreams) { session.close(); this.connectionManager.deleteSession(authority, session); } }); if (requestTimeout) { req.setTimeout(requestTimeout, () => { req.close(); const timeoutError = new Error(`Stream timed out because of no activity for ${requestTimeout} ms`); = "TimeoutError"; rejectWithDestroy(timeoutError); }); } if (abortSignal) { abortSignal.onabort = () => { req.close(); const abortError = new Error("Request aborted"); = "AbortError"; rejectWithDestroy(abortError); }; } req.on("frameError", (type, code, id) => { rejectWithDestroy(new Error(`Frame type id ${type} in stream id ${id} has failed with code ${code}.`)); }); req.on("error", rejectWithDestroy); req.on("aborted", () => { rejectWithDestroy( new Error(`HTTP/2 stream is abnormally aborted in mid-communication with result code ${req.rstCode}.`) ); }); req.on("close", () => { session.unref(); if (disableConcurrentStreams) { session.destroy(); } if (!fulfilled) { rejectWithDestroy(new Error("Unexpected error: http2 request did not get a response")); } }); writeRequestBodyPromise = writeRequestBody(req, request, requestTimeout); }); } updateHttpClientConfig(key, value) { this.config = void 0; this.configProvider = this.configProvider.then((config) => { return { ...config, [key]: value }; }); } httpHandlerConfigs() { return this.config ?? {}; } /** * Destroys a session. * @param session The session to destroy. */ destroySession(session) { if (!session.destroyed) { session.destroy(); } } }; __name(_NodeHttp2Handler, "NodeHttp2Handler"); var NodeHttp2Handler = _NodeHttp2Handler; // src/stream-collector/collector.ts var _Collector = class _Collector extends import_stream.Writable { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.bufferedBytes = []; } _write(chunk, encoding, callback) { this.bufferedBytes.push(chunk); callback(); } }; __name(_Collector, "Collector"); var Collector = _Collector; // src/stream-collector/index.ts var streamCollector = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((stream) => { if (isReadableStreamInstance(stream)) { return collectReadableStream(stream); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const collector = new Collector(); stream.pipe(collector); stream.on("error", (err) => { collector.end(); reject(err); }); collector.on("error", reject); collector.on("finish", function() { const bytes = new Uint8Array(Buffer.concat(this.bufferedBytes)); resolve(bytes); }); }); }, "streamCollector"); var isReadableStreamInstance = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((stream) => typeof ReadableStream === "function" && stream instanceof ReadableStream, "isReadableStreamInstance"); async function collectReadableStream(stream) { const chunks = []; const reader = stream.getReader(); let isDone = false; let length = 0; while (!isDone) { const { done, value } = await; if (value) { chunks.push(value); length += value.length; } isDone = done; } const collected = new Uint8Array(length); let offset = 0; for (const chunk of chunks) { collected.set(chunk, offset); offset += chunk.length; } return collected; } __name(collectReadableStream, "collectReadableStream"); // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, NodeHttpHandler, NodeHttp2Handler, streamCollector });