"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __reExport = (target, mod, secondTarget) => (__copyProps(target, mod, "default"), secondTarget && __copyProps(secondTarget, mod, "default")); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { AssumeRoleCommand: () => AssumeRoleCommand, AssumeRoleResponseFilterSensitiveLog: () => AssumeRoleResponseFilterSensitiveLog, AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand: () => AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand, AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequestFilterSensitiveLog: () => AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequestFilterSensitiveLog, AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponseFilterSensitiveLog: () => AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponseFilterSensitiveLog, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand: () => AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequestFilterSensitiveLog: () => AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequestFilterSensitiveLog, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog: () => AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog, ClientInputEndpointParameters: () => import_EndpointParameters9.ClientInputEndpointParameters, CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog: () => CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog, DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand: () => DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand, ExpiredTokenException: () => ExpiredTokenException, GetAccessKeyInfoCommand: () => GetAccessKeyInfoCommand, GetCallerIdentityCommand: () => GetCallerIdentityCommand, GetFederationTokenCommand: () => GetFederationTokenCommand, GetFederationTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog: () => GetFederationTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog, GetSessionTokenCommand: () => GetSessionTokenCommand, GetSessionTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog: () => GetSessionTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog, IDPCommunicationErrorException: () => IDPCommunicationErrorException, IDPRejectedClaimException: () => IDPRejectedClaimException, InvalidAuthorizationMessageException: () => InvalidAuthorizationMessageException, InvalidIdentityTokenException: () => InvalidIdentityTokenException, MalformedPolicyDocumentException: () => MalformedPolicyDocumentException, PackedPolicyTooLargeException: () => PackedPolicyTooLargeException, RegionDisabledException: () => RegionDisabledException, RuntimeExtension: () => import_runtimeExtensions.RuntimeExtension, STS: () => STS, STSServiceException: () => STSServiceException, decorateDefaultCredentialProvider: () => decorateDefaultCredentialProvider, getDefaultRoleAssumer: () => getDefaultRoleAssumer2, getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity: () => getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity2 }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); __reExport(src_exports, require("././STSClient"), module.exports); // src/STS.ts // src/commands/AssumeRoleCommand.ts var import_middleware_endpoint = require("@smithy/middleware-endpoint"); var import_middleware_serde = require("@smithy/middleware-serde"); var import_types = require("@smithy/types"); var import_EndpointParameters = require("./endpoint/EndpointParameters"); // src/models/models_0.ts // src/models/STSServiceException.ts var import_smithy_client = require("@smithy/smithy-client"); var _STSServiceException = class _STSServiceException extends import_smithy_client.ServiceException { /** * @internal */ constructor(options) { super(options); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _STSServiceException.prototype); } }; __name(_STSServiceException, "STSServiceException"); var STSServiceException = _STSServiceException; // src/models/models_0.ts var _ExpiredTokenException = class _ExpiredTokenException extends STSServiceException { /** * @internal */ constructor(opts) { super({ name: "ExpiredTokenException", $fault: "client", ...opts }); this.name = "ExpiredTokenException"; this.$fault = "client"; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _ExpiredTokenException.prototype); } }; __name(_ExpiredTokenException, "ExpiredTokenException"); var ExpiredTokenException = _ExpiredTokenException; var _MalformedPolicyDocumentException = class _MalformedPolicyDocumentException extends STSServiceException { /** * @internal */ constructor(opts) { super({ name: "MalformedPolicyDocumentException", $fault: "client", ...opts }); this.name = "MalformedPolicyDocumentException"; this.$fault = "client"; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _MalformedPolicyDocumentException.prototype); } }; __name(_MalformedPolicyDocumentException, "MalformedPolicyDocumentException"); var MalformedPolicyDocumentException = _MalformedPolicyDocumentException; var _PackedPolicyTooLargeException = class _PackedPolicyTooLargeException extends STSServiceException { /** * @internal */ constructor(opts) { super({ name: "PackedPolicyTooLargeException", $fault: "client", ...opts }); this.name = "PackedPolicyTooLargeException"; this.$fault = "client"; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _PackedPolicyTooLargeException.prototype); } }; __name(_PackedPolicyTooLargeException, "PackedPolicyTooLargeException"); var PackedPolicyTooLargeException = _PackedPolicyTooLargeException; var _RegionDisabledException = class _RegionDisabledException extends STSServiceException { /** * @internal */ constructor(opts) { super({ name: "RegionDisabledException", $fault: "client", ...opts }); this.name = "RegionDisabledException"; this.$fault = "client"; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _RegionDisabledException.prototype); } }; __name(_RegionDisabledException, "RegionDisabledException"); var RegionDisabledException = _RegionDisabledException; var _IDPRejectedClaimException = class _IDPRejectedClaimException extends STSServiceException { /** * @internal */ constructor(opts) { super({ name: "IDPRejectedClaimException", $fault: "client", ...opts }); this.name = "IDPRejectedClaimException"; this.$fault = "client"; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _IDPRejectedClaimException.prototype); } }; __name(_IDPRejectedClaimException, "IDPRejectedClaimException"); var IDPRejectedClaimException = _IDPRejectedClaimException; var _InvalidIdentityTokenException = class _InvalidIdentityTokenException extends STSServiceException { /** * @internal */ constructor(opts) { super({ name: "InvalidIdentityTokenException", $fault: "client", ...opts }); this.name = "InvalidIdentityTokenException"; this.$fault = "client"; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _InvalidIdentityTokenException.prototype); } }; __name(_InvalidIdentityTokenException, "InvalidIdentityTokenException"); var InvalidIdentityTokenException = _InvalidIdentityTokenException; var _IDPCommunicationErrorException = class _IDPCommunicationErrorException extends STSServiceException { /** * @internal */ constructor(opts) { super({ name: "IDPCommunicationErrorException", $fault: "client", ...opts }); this.name = "IDPCommunicationErrorException"; this.$fault = "client"; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _IDPCommunicationErrorException.prototype); } }; __name(_IDPCommunicationErrorException, "IDPCommunicationErrorException"); var IDPCommunicationErrorException = _IDPCommunicationErrorException; var _InvalidAuthorizationMessageException = class _InvalidAuthorizationMessageException extends STSServiceException { /** * @internal */ constructor(opts) { super({ name: "InvalidAuthorizationMessageException", $fault: "client", ...opts }); this.name = "InvalidAuthorizationMessageException"; this.$fault = "client"; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _InvalidAuthorizationMessageException.prototype); } }; __name(_InvalidAuthorizationMessageException, "InvalidAuthorizationMessageException"); var InvalidAuthorizationMessageException = _InvalidAuthorizationMessageException; var CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => ({ ...obj, ...obj.SecretAccessKey && { SecretAccessKey: import_smithy_client.SENSITIVE_STRING } }), "CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog"); var AssumeRoleResponseFilterSensitiveLog = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => ({ ...obj, ...obj.Credentials && { Credentials: CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog(obj.Credentials) } }), "AssumeRoleResponseFilterSensitiveLog"); var AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequestFilterSensitiveLog = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => ({ ...obj, ...obj.SAMLAssertion && { SAMLAssertion: import_smithy_client.SENSITIVE_STRING } }), "AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequestFilterSensitiveLog"); var AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponseFilterSensitiveLog = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => ({ ...obj, ...obj.Credentials && { Credentials: CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog(obj.Credentials) } }), "AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponseFilterSensitiveLog"); var AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequestFilterSensitiveLog = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => ({ ...obj, ...obj.WebIdentityToken && { WebIdentityToken: import_smithy_client.SENSITIVE_STRING } }), "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequestFilterSensitiveLog"); var AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => ({ ...obj, ...obj.Credentials && { Credentials: CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog(obj.Credentials) } }), "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog"); var GetFederationTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => ({ ...obj, ...obj.Credentials && { Credentials: CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog(obj.Credentials) } }), "GetFederationTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog"); var GetSessionTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => ({ ...obj, ...obj.Credentials && { Credentials: CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog(obj.Credentials) } }), "GetSessionTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog"); // src/protocols/Aws_query.ts var import_core = require("@aws-sdk/core"); var import_protocol_http = require("@smithy/protocol-http"); var se_AssumeRoleCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (input, context) => { const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; let body; body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ ...se_AssumeRoleRequest(input, context), [_A]: _AR, [_V]: _ }); return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); }, "se_AssumeRoleCommand"); var se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (input, context) => { const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; let body; body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ ...se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest(input, context), [_A]: _ARWSAML, [_V]: _ }); return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); }, "se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand"); var se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (input, context) => { const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; let body; body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ ...se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input, context), [_A]: _ARWWI, [_V]: _ }); return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); }, "se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand"); var se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (input, context) => { const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; let body; body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ ...se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageRequest(input, context), [_A]: _DAM, [_V]: _ }); return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); }, "se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand"); var se_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (input, context) => { const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; let body; body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ ...se_GetAccessKeyInfoRequest(input, context), [_A]: _GAKI, [_V]: _ }); return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); }, "se_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand"); var se_GetCallerIdentityCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (input, context) => { const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; let body; body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ ...se_GetCallerIdentityRequest(input, context), [_A]: _GCI, [_V]: _ }); return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); }, "se_GetCallerIdentityCommand"); var se_GetFederationTokenCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (input, context) => { const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; let body; body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ ...se_GetFederationTokenRequest(input, context), [_A]: _GFT, [_V]: _ }); return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); }, "se_GetFederationTokenCommand"); var se_GetSessionTokenCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (input, context) => { const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; let body; body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ ...se_GetSessionTokenRequest(input, context), [_A]: _GST, [_V]: _ }); return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); }, "se_GetSessionTokenCommand"); var de_AssumeRoleCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (output, context) => { if (output.statusCode >= 300) { return de_CommandError(output, context); } const data = await (0, import_core.parseXmlBody)(output.body, context); let contents = {}; contents = de_AssumeRoleResponse(data.AssumeRoleResult, context); const response = { $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), ...contents }; return response; }, "de_AssumeRoleCommand"); var de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (output, context) => { if (output.statusCode >= 300) { return de_CommandError(output, context); } const data = await (0, import_core.parseXmlBody)(output.body, context); let contents = {}; contents = de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponse(data.AssumeRoleWithSAMLResult, context); const response = { $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), ...contents }; return response; }, "de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand"); var de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (output, context) => { if (output.statusCode >= 300) { return de_CommandError(output, context); } const data = await (0, import_core.parseXmlBody)(output.body, context); let contents = {}; contents = de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse(data.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResult, context); const response = { $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), ...contents }; return response; }, "de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand"); var de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (output, context) => { if (output.statusCode >= 300) { return de_CommandError(output, context); } const data = await (0, import_core.parseXmlBody)(output.body, context); let contents = {}; contents = de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageResponse(data.DecodeAuthorizationMessageResult, context); const response = { $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), ...contents }; return response; }, "de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand"); var de_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (output, context) => { if (output.statusCode >= 300) { return de_CommandError(output, context); } const data = await (0, import_core.parseXmlBody)(output.body, context); let contents = {}; contents = de_GetAccessKeyInfoResponse(data.GetAccessKeyInfoResult, context); const response = { $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), ...contents }; return response; }, "de_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand"); var de_GetCallerIdentityCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (output, context) => { if (output.statusCode >= 300) { return de_CommandError(output, context); } const data = await (0, import_core.parseXmlBody)(output.body, context); let contents = {}; contents = de_GetCallerIdentityResponse(data.GetCallerIdentityResult, context); const response = { $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), ...contents }; return response; }, "de_GetCallerIdentityCommand"); var de_GetFederationTokenCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (output, context) => { if (output.statusCode >= 300) { return de_CommandError(output, context); } const data = await (0, import_core.parseXmlBody)(output.body, context); let contents = {}; contents = de_GetFederationTokenResponse(data.GetFederationTokenResult, context); const response = { $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), ...contents }; return response; }, "de_GetFederationTokenCommand"); var de_GetSessionTokenCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (output, context) => { if (output.statusCode >= 300) { return de_CommandError(output, context); } const data = await (0, import_core.parseXmlBody)(output.body, context); let contents = {}; contents = de_GetSessionTokenResponse(data.GetSessionTokenResult, context); const response = { $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), ...contents }; return response; }, "de_GetSessionTokenCommand"); var de_CommandError = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (output, context) => { const parsedOutput = { ...output, body: await (0, import_core.parseXmlErrorBody)(output.body, context) }; const errorCode = loadQueryErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); switch (errorCode) { case "ExpiredTokenException": case "com.amazonaws.sts#ExpiredTokenException": throw await de_ExpiredTokenExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); case "MalformedPolicyDocument": case "com.amazonaws.sts#MalformedPolicyDocumentException": throw await de_MalformedPolicyDocumentExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); case "PackedPolicyTooLarge": case "com.amazonaws.sts#PackedPolicyTooLargeException": throw await de_PackedPolicyTooLargeExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); case "RegionDisabledException": case "com.amazonaws.sts#RegionDisabledException": throw await de_RegionDisabledExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); case "IDPRejectedClaim": case "com.amazonaws.sts#IDPRejectedClaimException": throw await de_IDPRejectedClaimExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); case "InvalidIdentityToken": case "com.amazonaws.sts#InvalidIdentityTokenException": throw await de_InvalidIdentityTokenExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); case "IDPCommunicationError": case "com.amazonaws.sts#IDPCommunicationErrorException": throw await de_IDPCommunicationErrorExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); case "InvalidAuthorizationMessageException": case "com.amazonaws.sts#InvalidAuthorizationMessageException": throw await de_InvalidAuthorizationMessageExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); default: const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; return throwDefaultError({ output, parsedBody: parsedBody.Error, errorCode }); } }, "de_CommandError"); var de_ExpiredTokenExceptionRes = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (parsedOutput, context) => { const body = parsedOutput.body; const deserialized = de_ExpiredTokenException(body.Error, context); const exception = new ExpiredTokenException({ $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), ...deserialized }); return (0, import_smithy_client.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); }, "de_ExpiredTokenExceptionRes"); var de_IDPCommunicationErrorExceptionRes = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (parsedOutput, context) => { const body = parsedOutput.body; const deserialized = de_IDPCommunicationErrorException(body.Error, context); const exception = new IDPCommunicationErrorException({ $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), ...deserialized }); return (0, import_smithy_client.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); }, "de_IDPCommunicationErrorExceptionRes"); var de_IDPRejectedClaimExceptionRes = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (parsedOutput, context) => { const body = parsedOutput.body; const deserialized = de_IDPRejectedClaimException(body.Error, context); const exception = new IDPRejectedClaimException({ $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), ...deserialized }); return (0, import_smithy_client.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); }, "de_IDPRejectedClaimExceptionRes"); var de_InvalidAuthorizationMessageExceptionRes = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (parsedOutput, context) => { const body = parsedOutput.body; const deserialized = de_InvalidAuthorizationMessageException(body.Error, context); const exception = new InvalidAuthorizationMessageException({ $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), ...deserialized }); return (0, import_smithy_client.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); }, "de_InvalidAuthorizationMessageExceptionRes"); var de_InvalidIdentityTokenExceptionRes = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (parsedOutput, context) => { const body = parsedOutput.body; const deserialized = de_InvalidIdentityTokenException(body.Error, context); const exception = new InvalidIdentityTokenException({ $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), ...deserialized }); return (0, import_smithy_client.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); }, "de_InvalidIdentityTokenExceptionRes"); var de_MalformedPolicyDocumentExceptionRes = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (parsedOutput, context) => { const body = parsedOutput.body; const deserialized = de_MalformedPolicyDocumentException(body.Error, context); const exception = new MalformedPolicyDocumentException({ $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), ...deserialized }); return (0, import_smithy_client.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); }, "de_MalformedPolicyDocumentExceptionRes"); var de_PackedPolicyTooLargeExceptionRes = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (parsedOutput, context) => { const body = parsedOutput.body; const deserialized = de_PackedPolicyTooLargeException(body.Error, context); const exception = new PackedPolicyTooLargeException({ $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), ...deserialized }); return (0, import_smithy_client.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); }, "de_PackedPolicyTooLargeExceptionRes"); var de_RegionDisabledExceptionRes = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (parsedOutput, context) => { const body = parsedOutput.body; const deserialized = de_RegionDisabledException(body.Error, context); const exception = new RegionDisabledException({ $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), ...deserialized }); return (0, import_smithy_client.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); }, "de_RegionDisabledExceptionRes"); var se_AssumeRoleRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { var _a2, _b, _c, _d; const entries = {}; if (input[_RA] != null) { entries[_RA] = input[_RA]; } if (input[_RSN] != null) { entries[_RSN] = input[_RSN]; } if (input[_PA] != null) { const memberEntries = se_policyDescriptorListType(input[_PA], context); if (((_a2 = input[_PA]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) === 0) { entries.PolicyArns = []; } Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { const loc = `PolicyArns.${key}`; entries[loc] = value; }); } if (input[_P] != null) { entries[_P] = input[_P]; } if (input[_DS] != null) { entries[_DS] = input[_DS]; } if (input[_T] != null) { const memberEntries = se_tagListType(input[_T], context); if (((_b = input[_T]) == null ? void 0 : _b.length) === 0) { entries.Tags = []; } Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { const loc = `Tags.${key}`; entries[loc] = value; }); } if (input[_TTK] != null) { const memberEntries = se_tagKeyListType(input[_TTK], context); if (((_c = input[_TTK]) == null ? void 0 : _c.length) === 0) { entries.TransitiveTagKeys = []; } Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { const loc = `TransitiveTagKeys.${key}`; entries[loc] = value; }); } if (input[_EI] != null) { entries[_EI] = input[_EI]; } if (input[_SN] != null) { entries[_SN] = input[_SN]; } if (input[_TC] != null) { entries[_TC] = input[_TC]; } if (input[_SI] != null) { entries[_SI] = input[_SI]; } if (input[_PC] != null) { const memberEntries = se_ProvidedContextsListType(input[_PC], context); if (((_d = input[_PC]) == null ? void 0 : _d.length) === 0) { entries.ProvidedContexts = []; } Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { const loc = `ProvidedContexts.${key}`; entries[loc] = value; }); } return entries; }, "se_AssumeRoleRequest"); var se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { var _a2; const entries = {}; if (input[_RA] != null) { entries[_RA] = input[_RA]; } if (input[_PAr] != null) { entries[_PAr] = input[_PAr]; } if (input[_SAMLA] != null) { entries[_SAMLA] = input[_SAMLA]; } if (input[_PA] != null) { const memberEntries = se_policyDescriptorListType(input[_PA], context); if (((_a2 = input[_PA]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) === 0) { entries.PolicyArns = []; } Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { const loc = `PolicyArns.${key}`; entries[loc] = value; }); } if (input[_P] != null) { entries[_P] = input[_P]; } if (input[_DS] != null) { entries[_DS] = input[_DS]; } return entries; }, "se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest"); var se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { var _a2; const entries = {}; if (input[_RA] != null) { entries[_RA] = input[_RA]; } if (input[_RSN] != null) { entries[_RSN] = input[_RSN]; } if (input[_WIT] != null) { entries[_WIT] = input[_WIT]; } if (input[_PI] != null) { entries[_PI] = input[_PI]; } if (input[_PA] != null) { const memberEntries = se_policyDescriptorListType(input[_PA], context); if (((_a2 = input[_PA]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) === 0) { entries.PolicyArns = []; } Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { const loc = `PolicyArns.${key}`; entries[loc] = value; }); } if (input[_P] != null) { entries[_P] = input[_P]; } if (input[_DS] != null) { entries[_DS] = input[_DS]; } return entries; }, "se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest"); var se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { const entries = {}; if (input[_EM] != null) { entries[_EM] = input[_EM]; } return entries; }, "se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageRequest"); var se_GetAccessKeyInfoRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { const entries = {}; if (input[_AKI] != null) { entries[_AKI] = input[_AKI]; } return entries; }, "se_GetAccessKeyInfoRequest"); var se_GetCallerIdentityRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { const entries = {}; return entries; }, "se_GetCallerIdentityRequest"); var se_GetFederationTokenRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { var _a2, _b; const entries = {}; if (input[_N] != null) { entries[_N] = input[_N]; } if (input[_P] != null) { entries[_P] = input[_P]; } if (input[_PA] != null) { const memberEntries = se_policyDescriptorListType(input[_PA], context); if (((_a2 = input[_PA]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) === 0) { entries.PolicyArns = []; } Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { const loc = `PolicyArns.${key}`; entries[loc] = value; }); } if (input[_DS] != null) { entries[_DS] = input[_DS]; } if (input[_T] != null) { const memberEntries = se_tagListType(input[_T], context); if (((_b = input[_T]) == null ? void 0 : _b.length) === 0) { entries.Tags = []; } Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { const loc = `Tags.${key}`; entries[loc] = value; }); } return entries; }, "se_GetFederationTokenRequest"); var se_GetSessionTokenRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { const entries = {}; if (input[_DS] != null) { entries[_DS] = input[_DS]; } if (input[_SN] != null) { entries[_SN] = input[_SN]; } if (input[_TC] != null) { entries[_TC] = input[_TC]; } return entries; }, "se_GetSessionTokenRequest"); var se_policyDescriptorListType = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { const entries = {}; let counter = 1; for (const entry of input) { if (entry === null) { continue; } const memberEntries = se_PolicyDescriptorType(entry, context); Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { entries[`member.${counter}.${key}`] = value; }); counter++; } return entries; }, "se_policyDescriptorListType"); var se_PolicyDescriptorType = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { const entries = {}; if (input[_a] != null) { entries[_a] = input[_a]; } return entries; }, "se_PolicyDescriptorType"); var se_ProvidedContext = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { const entries = {}; if (input[_PAro] != null) { entries[_PAro] = input[_PAro]; } if (input[_CA] != null) { entries[_CA] = input[_CA]; } return entries; }, "se_ProvidedContext"); var se_ProvidedContextsListType = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { const entries = {}; let counter = 1; for (const entry of input) { if (entry === null) { continue; } const memberEntries = se_ProvidedContext(entry, context); Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { entries[`member.${counter}.${key}`] = value; }); counter++; } return entries; }, "se_ProvidedContextsListType"); var se_Tag = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { const entries = {}; if (input[_K] != null) { entries[_K] = input[_K]; } if (input[_Va] != null) { entries[_Va] = input[_Va]; } return entries; }, "se_Tag"); var se_tagKeyListType = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { const entries = {}; let counter = 1; for (const entry of input) { if (entry === null) { continue; } entries[`member.${counter}`] = entry; counter++; } return entries; }, "se_tagKeyListType"); var se_tagListType = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, context) => { const entries = {}; let counter = 1; for (const entry of input) { if (entry === null) { continue; } const memberEntries = se_Tag(entry, context); Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { entries[`member.${counter}.${key}`] = value; }); counter++; } return entries; }, "se_tagListType"); var de_AssumedRoleUser = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_ARI] != null) { contents[_ARI] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_ARI]); } if (output[_Ar] != null) { contents[_Ar] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_Ar]); } return contents; }, "de_AssumedRoleUser"); var de_AssumeRoleResponse = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_C] != null) { contents[_C] = de_Credentials(output[_C], context); } if (output[_ARU] != null) { contents[_ARU] = de_AssumedRoleUser(output[_ARU], context); } if (output[_PPS] != null) { contents[_PPS] = (0, import_smithy_client.strictParseInt32)(output[_PPS]); } if (output[_SI] != null) { contents[_SI] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_SI]); } return contents; }, "de_AssumeRoleResponse"); var de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponse = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_C] != null) { contents[_C] = de_Credentials(output[_C], context); } if (output[_ARU] != null) { contents[_ARU] = de_AssumedRoleUser(output[_ARU], context); } if (output[_PPS] != null) { contents[_PPS] = (0, import_smithy_client.strictParseInt32)(output[_PPS]); } if (output[_S] != null) { contents[_S] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_S]); } if (output[_ST] != null) { contents[_ST] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_ST]); } if (output[_I] != null) { contents[_I] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_I]); } if (output[_Au] != null) { contents[_Au] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_Au]); } if (output[_NQ] != null) { contents[_NQ] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_NQ]); } if (output[_SI] != null) { contents[_SI] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_SI]); } return contents; }, "de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponse"); var de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_C] != null) { contents[_C] = de_Credentials(output[_C], context); } if (output[_SFWIT] != null) { contents[_SFWIT] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_SFWIT]); } if (output[_ARU] != null) { contents[_ARU] = de_AssumedRoleUser(output[_ARU], context); } if (output[_PPS] != null) { contents[_PPS] = (0, import_smithy_client.strictParseInt32)(output[_PPS]); } if (output[_Pr] != null) { contents[_Pr] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_Pr]); } if (output[_Au] != null) { contents[_Au] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_Au]); } if (output[_SI] != null) { contents[_SI] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_SI]); } return contents; }, "de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse"); var de_Credentials = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_AKI] != null) { contents[_AKI] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_AKI]); } if (output[_SAK] != null) { contents[_SAK] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_SAK]); } if (output[_STe] != null) { contents[_STe] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_STe]); } if (output[_E] != null) { contents[_E] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectNonNull)((0, import_smithy_client.parseRfc3339DateTimeWithOffset)(output[_E])); } return contents; }, "de_Credentials"); var de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageResponse = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_DM] != null) { contents[_DM] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_DM]); } return contents; }, "de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageResponse"); var de_ExpiredTokenException = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_m] != null) { contents[_m] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_m]); } return contents; }, "de_ExpiredTokenException"); var de_FederatedUser = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_FUI] != null) { contents[_FUI] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_FUI]); } if (output[_Ar] != null) { contents[_Ar] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_Ar]); } return contents; }, "de_FederatedUser"); var de_GetAccessKeyInfoResponse = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_Ac] != null) { contents[_Ac] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_Ac]); } return contents; }, "de_GetAccessKeyInfoResponse"); var de_GetCallerIdentityResponse = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_UI] != null) { contents[_UI] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_UI]); } if (output[_Ac] != null) { contents[_Ac] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_Ac]); } if (output[_Ar] != null) { contents[_Ar] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_Ar]); } return contents; }, "de_GetCallerIdentityResponse"); var de_GetFederationTokenResponse = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_C] != null) { contents[_C] = de_Credentials(output[_C], context); } if (output[_FU] != null) { contents[_FU] = de_FederatedUser(output[_FU], context); } if (output[_PPS] != null) { contents[_PPS] = (0, import_smithy_client.strictParseInt32)(output[_PPS]); } return contents; }, "de_GetFederationTokenResponse"); var de_GetSessionTokenResponse = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_C] != null) { contents[_C] = de_Credentials(output[_C], context); } return contents; }, "de_GetSessionTokenResponse"); var de_IDPCommunicationErrorException = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_m] != null) { contents[_m] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_m]); } return contents; }, "de_IDPCommunicationErrorException"); var de_IDPRejectedClaimException = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_m] != null) { contents[_m] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_m]); } return contents; }, "de_IDPRejectedClaimException"); var de_InvalidAuthorizationMessageException = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_m] != null) { contents[_m] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_m]); } return contents; }, "de_InvalidAuthorizationMessageException"); var de_InvalidIdentityTokenException = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_m] != null) { contents[_m] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_m]); } return contents; }, "de_InvalidIdentityTokenException"); var de_MalformedPolicyDocumentException = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_m] != null) { contents[_m] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_m]); } return contents; }, "de_MalformedPolicyDocumentException"); var de_PackedPolicyTooLargeException = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_m] != null) { contents[_m] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_m]); } return contents; }, "de_PackedPolicyTooLargeException"); var de_RegionDisabledException = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, context) => { const contents = {}; if (output[_m] != null) { contents[_m] = (0, import_smithy_client.expectString)(output[_m]); } return contents; }, "de_RegionDisabledException"); var deserializeMetadata = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output) => ({ httpStatusCode: output.statusCode, requestId: output.headers["x-amzn-requestid"] ?? output.headers["x-amzn-request-id"] ?? output.headers["x-amz-request-id"], extendedRequestId: output.headers["x-amz-id-2"], cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"] }), "deserializeMetadata"); var throwDefaultError = (0, import_smithy_client.withBaseException)(STSServiceException); var buildHttpRpcRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (context, headers, path, resolvedHostname, body) => { const { hostname, protocol = "https", port, path: basePath } = await context.endpoint(); const contents = { protocol, hostname, port, method: "POST", path: basePath.endsWith("/") ? basePath.slice(0, -1) + path : basePath + path, headers }; if (resolvedHostname !== void 0) { contents.hostname = resolvedHostname; } if (body !== void 0) { contents.body = body; } return new import_protocol_http.HttpRequest(contents); }, "buildHttpRpcRequest"); var SHARED_HEADERS = { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }; var _ = "2011-06-15"; var _A = "Action"; var _AKI = "AccessKeyId"; var _AR = "AssumeRole"; var _ARI = "AssumedRoleId"; var _ARU = "AssumedRoleUser"; var _ARWSAML = "AssumeRoleWithSAML"; var _ARWWI = "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity"; var _Ac = "Account"; var _Ar = "Arn"; var _Au = "Audience"; var _C = "Credentials"; var _CA = "ContextAssertion"; var _DAM = "DecodeAuthorizationMessage"; var _DM = "DecodedMessage"; var _DS = "DurationSeconds"; var _E = "Expiration"; var _EI = "ExternalId"; var _EM = "EncodedMessage"; var _FU = "FederatedUser"; var _FUI = "FederatedUserId"; var _GAKI = "GetAccessKeyInfo"; var _GCI = "GetCallerIdentity"; var _GFT = "GetFederationToken"; var _GST = "GetSessionToken"; var _I = "Issuer"; var _K = "Key"; var _N = "Name"; var _NQ = "NameQualifier"; var _P = "Policy"; var _PA = "PolicyArns"; var _PAr = "PrincipalArn"; var _PAro = "ProviderArn"; var _PC = "ProvidedContexts"; var _PI = "ProviderId"; var _PPS = "PackedPolicySize"; var _Pr = "Provider"; var _RA = "RoleArn"; var _RSN = "RoleSessionName"; var _S = "Subject"; var _SAK = "SecretAccessKey"; var _SAMLA = "SAMLAssertion"; var _SFWIT = "SubjectFromWebIdentityToken"; var _SI = "SourceIdentity"; var _SN = "SerialNumber"; var _ST = "SubjectType"; var _STe = "SessionToken"; var _T = "Tags"; var _TC = "TokenCode"; var _TTK = "TransitiveTagKeys"; var _UI = "UserId"; var _V = "Version"; var _Va = "Value"; var _WIT = "WebIdentityToken"; var _a = "arn"; var _m = "message"; var buildFormUrlencodedString = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((formEntries) => Object.entries(formEntries).map(([key, value]) => (0, import_smithy_client.extendedEncodeURIComponent)(key) + "=" + (0, import_smithy_client.extendedEncodeURIComponent)(value)).join("&"), "buildFormUrlencodedString"); var loadQueryErrorCode = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((output, data) => { var _a2; if (((_a2 = data.Error) == null ? void 0 : _a2.Code) !== void 0) { return data.Error.Code; } if (output.statusCode == 404) { return "NotFound"; } }, "loadQueryErrorCode"); // src/commands/AssumeRoleCommand.ts var _AssumeRoleCommand = class _AssumeRoleCommand extends import_smithy_client.Command.classBuilder().ep({ ...import_EndpointParameters.commonParams }).m(function(Command, cs, config, o) { return [ (0, import_middleware_serde.getSerdePlugin)(config, this.serialize, this.deserialize), (0, import_middleware_endpoint.getEndpointPlugin)(config, Command.getEndpointParameterInstructions()) ]; }).s("AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", "AssumeRole", {}).n("STSClient", "AssumeRoleCommand").f(void 0, AssumeRoleResponseFilterSensitiveLog).ser(se_AssumeRoleCommand).de(de_AssumeRoleCommand).build() { }; __name(_AssumeRoleCommand, "AssumeRoleCommand"); var AssumeRoleCommand = _AssumeRoleCommand; // src/commands/AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand.ts var import_EndpointParameters2 = require("./endpoint/EndpointParameters"); var _AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = class _AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand extends import_smithy_client.Command.classBuilder().ep({ ...import_EndpointParameters2.commonParams }).m(function(Command, cs, config, o) { return [ (0, import_middleware_serde.getSerdePlugin)(config, this.serialize, this.deserialize), (0, import_middleware_endpoint.getEndpointPlugin)(config, Command.getEndpointParameterInstructions()) ]; }).s("AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", "AssumeRoleWithSAML", {}).n("STSClient", "AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand").f(AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequestFilterSensitiveLog, AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponseFilterSensitiveLog).ser(se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand).de(de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand).build() { }; __name(_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand, "AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand"); var AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = _AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand; // src/commands/AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand.ts var import_EndpointParameters3 = require("./endpoint/EndpointParameters"); var _AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = class _AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand extends import_smithy_client.Command.classBuilder().ep({ ...import_EndpointParameters3.commonParams }).m(function(Command, cs, config, o) { return [ (0, import_middleware_serde.getSerdePlugin)(config, this.serialize, this.deserialize), (0, import_middleware_endpoint.getEndpointPlugin)(config, Command.getEndpointParameterInstructions()) ]; }).s("AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity", {}).n("STSClient", "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand").f(AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequestFilterSensitiveLog, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog).ser(se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand).de(de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand).build() { }; __name(_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand, "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand"); var AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = _AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand; // src/commands/DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand.ts var import_EndpointParameters4 = require("./endpoint/EndpointParameters"); var _DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = class _DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand extends import_smithy_client.Command.classBuilder().ep({ ...import_EndpointParameters4.commonParams }).m(function(Command, cs, config, o) { return [ (0, import_middleware_serde.getSerdePlugin)(config, this.serialize, this.deserialize), (0, import_middleware_endpoint.getEndpointPlugin)(config, Command.getEndpointParameterInstructions()) ]; }).s("AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", "DecodeAuthorizationMessage", {}).n("STSClient", "DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand").f(void 0, void 0).ser(se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand).de(de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand).build() { }; __name(_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand, "DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand"); var DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = _DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand; // src/commands/GetAccessKeyInfoCommand.ts var import_EndpointParameters5 = require("./endpoint/EndpointParameters"); var _GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = class _GetAccessKeyInfoCommand extends import_smithy_client.Command.classBuilder().ep({ ...import_EndpointParameters5.commonParams }).m(function(Command, cs, config, o) { return [ (0, import_middleware_serde.getSerdePlugin)(config, this.serialize, this.deserialize), (0, import_middleware_endpoint.getEndpointPlugin)(config, Command.getEndpointParameterInstructions()) ]; }).s("AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", "GetAccessKeyInfo", {}).n("STSClient", "GetAccessKeyInfoCommand").f(void 0, void 0).ser(se_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand).de(de_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand).build() { }; __name(_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand, "GetAccessKeyInfoCommand"); var GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = _GetAccessKeyInfoCommand; // src/commands/GetCallerIdentityCommand.ts var import_EndpointParameters6 = require("./endpoint/EndpointParameters"); var _GetCallerIdentityCommand = class _GetCallerIdentityCommand extends import_smithy_client.Command.classBuilder().ep({ ...import_EndpointParameters6.commonParams }).m(function(Command, cs, config, o) { return [ (0, import_middleware_serde.getSerdePlugin)(config, this.serialize, this.deserialize), (0, import_middleware_endpoint.getEndpointPlugin)(config, Command.getEndpointParameterInstructions()) ]; }).s("AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", "GetCallerIdentity", {}).n("STSClient", "GetCallerIdentityCommand").f(void 0, void 0).ser(se_GetCallerIdentityCommand).de(de_GetCallerIdentityCommand).build() { }; __name(_GetCallerIdentityCommand, "GetCallerIdentityCommand"); var GetCallerIdentityCommand = _GetCallerIdentityCommand; // src/commands/GetFederationTokenCommand.ts var import_EndpointParameters7 = require("./endpoint/EndpointParameters"); var _GetFederationTokenCommand = class _GetFederationTokenCommand extends import_smithy_client.Command.classBuilder().ep({ ...import_EndpointParameters7.commonParams }).m(function(Command, cs, config, o) { return [ (0, import_middleware_serde.getSerdePlugin)(config, this.serialize, this.deserialize), (0, import_middleware_endpoint.getEndpointPlugin)(config, Command.getEndpointParameterInstructions()) ]; }).s("AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", "GetFederationToken", {}).n("STSClient", "GetFederationTokenCommand").f(void 0, GetFederationTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog).ser(se_GetFederationTokenCommand).de(de_GetFederationTokenCommand).build() { }; __name(_GetFederationTokenCommand, "GetFederationTokenCommand"); var GetFederationTokenCommand = _GetFederationTokenCommand; // src/commands/GetSessionTokenCommand.ts var import_EndpointParameters8 = require("./endpoint/EndpointParameters"); var _GetSessionTokenCommand = class _GetSessionTokenCommand extends import_smithy_client.Command.classBuilder().ep({ ...import_EndpointParameters8.commonParams }).m(function(Command, cs, config, o) { return [ (0, import_middleware_serde.getSerdePlugin)(config, this.serialize, this.deserialize), (0, import_middleware_endpoint.getEndpointPlugin)(config, Command.getEndpointParameterInstructions()) ]; }).s("AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", "GetSessionToken", {}).n("STSClient", "GetSessionTokenCommand").f(void 0, GetSessionTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog).ser(se_GetSessionTokenCommand).de(de_GetSessionTokenCommand).build() { }; __name(_GetSessionTokenCommand, "GetSessionTokenCommand"); var GetSessionTokenCommand = _GetSessionTokenCommand; // src/STS.ts var import_STSClient = require("././STSClient"); var commands = { AssumeRoleCommand, AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand, DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand, GetAccessKeyInfoCommand, GetCallerIdentityCommand, GetFederationTokenCommand, GetSessionTokenCommand }; var _STS = class _STS extends import_STSClient.STSClient { }; __name(_STS, "STS"); var STS = _STS; (0, import_smithy_client.createAggregatedClient)(commands, STS); // src/index.ts var import_EndpointParameters9 = require("./endpoint/EndpointParameters"); var import_runtimeExtensions = require("././runtimeExtensions"); // src/defaultStsRoleAssumers.ts var ASSUME_ROLE_DEFAULT_REGION = "us-east-1"; var resolveRegion = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async (_region, _parentRegion, credentialProviderLogger) => { var _a2; const region = typeof _region === "function" ? await _region() : _region; const parentRegion = typeof _parentRegion === "function" ? await _parentRegion() : _parentRegion; (_a2 = credentialProviderLogger == null ? void 0 : credentialProviderLogger.debug) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call( credentialProviderLogger, "@aws-sdk/client-sts::resolveRegion", "accepting first of:", `${region} (provider)`, `${parentRegion} (parent client)`, `${ASSUME_ROLE_DEFAULT_REGION} (STS default)` ); return region ?? parentRegion ?? ASSUME_ROLE_DEFAULT_REGION; }, "resolveRegion"); var getDefaultRoleAssumer = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((stsOptions, stsClientCtor) => { let stsClient; let closureSourceCreds; return async (sourceCreds, params) => { var _a2, _b, _c; closureSourceCreds = sourceCreds; if (!stsClient) { const { logger = (_a2 = stsOptions == null ? void 0 : stsOptions.parentClientConfig) == null ? void 0 : _a2.logger, region, requestHandler = (_b = stsOptions == null ? void 0 : stsOptions.parentClientConfig) == null ? void 0 : _b.requestHandler, credentialProviderLogger } = stsOptions; const resolvedRegion = await resolveRegion( region, (_c = stsOptions == null ? void 0 : stsOptions.parentClientConfig) == null ? void 0 : _c.region, credentialProviderLogger ); stsClient = new stsClientCtor({ // A hack to make sts client uses the credential in current closure. credentialDefaultProvider: () => async () => closureSourceCreds, region: resolvedRegion, requestHandler, logger }); } const { Credentials: Credentials2 } = await stsClient.send(new AssumeRoleCommand(params)); if (!Credentials2 || !Credentials2.AccessKeyId || !Credentials2.SecretAccessKey) { throw new Error(`Invalid response from STS.assumeRole call with role ${params.RoleArn}`); } return { accessKeyId: Credentials2.AccessKeyId, secretAccessKey: Credentials2.SecretAccessKey, sessionToken: Credentials2.SessionToken, expiration: Credentials2.Expiration, // TODO(credentialScope): access normally when shape is updated. credentialScope: Credentials2.CredentialScope }; }; }, "getDefaultRoleAssumer"); var getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((stsOptions, stsClientCtor) => { let stsClient; return async (params) => { var _a2, _b, _c; if (!stsClient) { const { logger = (_a2 = stsOptions == null ? void 0 : stsOptions.parentClientConfig) == null ? void 0 : _a2.logger, region, requestHandler = (_b = stsOptions == null ? void 0 : stsOptions.parentClientConfig) == null ? void 0 : _b.requestHandler, credentialProviderLogger } = stsOptions; const resolvedRegion = await resolveRegion( region, (_c = stsOptions == null ? void 0 : stsOptions.parentClientConfig) == null ? void 0 : _c.region, credentialProviderLogger ); stsClient = new stsClientCtor({ region: resolvedRegion, requestHandler, logger }); } const { Credentials: Credentials2 } = await stsClient.send(new AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand(params)); if (!Credentials2 || !Credentials2.AccessKeyId || !Credentials2.SecretAccessKey) { throw new Error(`Invalid response from STS.assumeRoleWithWebIdentity call with role ${params.RoleArn}`); } return { accessKeyId: Credentials2.AccessKeyId, secretAccessKey: Credentials2.SecretAccessKey, sessionToken: Credentials2.SessionToken, expiration: Credentials2.Expiration, // TODO(credentialScope): access normally when shape is updated. credentialScope: Credentials2.CredentialScope }; }; }, "getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity"); // src/defaultRoleAssumers.ts var import_STSClient2 = require("././STSClient"); var getCustomizableStsClientCtor = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((baseCtor, customizations) => { var _a2; if (!customizations) return baseCtor; else return _a2 = class extends baseCtor { constructor(config) { super(config); for (const customization of customizations) { this.middlewareStack.use(customization); } } }, __name(_a2, "CustomizableSTSClient"), _a2; }, "getCustomizableStsClientCtor"); var getDefaultRoleAssumer2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((stsOptions = {}, stsPlugins) => getDefaultRoleAssumer(stsOptions, getCustomizableStsClientCtor(import_STSClient2.STSClient, stsPlugins)), "getDefaultRoleAssumer"); var getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((stsOptions = {}, stsPlugins) => getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity(stsOptions, getCustomizableStsClientCtor(import_STSClient2.STSClient, stsPlugins)), "getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity"); var decorateDefaultCredentialProvider = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((provider) => (input) => provider({ roleAssumer: getDefaultRoleAssumer2(input), roleAssumerWithWebIdentity: getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity2(input), ...input }), "decorateDefaultCredentialProvider"); // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { STSServiceException, __Client, STSClient, STS, $Command, AssumeRoleCommand, AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand, DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand, GetAccessKeyInfoCommand, GetCallerIdentityCommand, GetFederationTokenCommand, GetSessionTokenCommand, ExpiredTokenException, MalformedPolicyDocumentException, PackedPolicyTooLargeException, RegionDisabledException, IDPRejectedClaimException, InvalidIdentityTokenException, IDPCommunicationErrorException, InvalidAuthorizationMessageException, CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog, AssumeRoleResponseFilterSensitiveLog, AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequestFilterSensitiveLog, AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponseFilterSensitiveLog, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequestFilterSensitiveLog, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog, GetFederationTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog, GetSessionTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog, getDefaultRoleAssumer, getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity, decorateDefaultCredentialProvider });