var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { AdaptiveRetryStrategy: () => AdaptiveRetryStrategy, ConfiguredRetryStrategy: () => ConfiguredRetryStrategy, DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS: () => DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS, DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE: () => DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE, DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE: () => DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE, DefaultRateLimiter: () => DefaultRateLimiter, INITIAL_RETRY_TOKENS: () => INITIAL_RETRY_TOKENS, INVOCATION_ID_HEADER: () => INVOCATION_ID_HEADER, MAXIMUM_RETRY_DELAY: () => MAXIMUM_RETRY_DELAY, NO_RETRY_INCREMENT: () => NO_RETRY_INCREMENT, REQUEST_HEADER: () => REQUEST_HEADER, RETRY_COST: () => RETRY_COST, RETRY_MODES: () => RETRY_MODES, StandardRetryStrategy: () => StandardRetryStrategy, THROTTLING_RETRY_DELAY_BASE: () => THROTTLING_RETRY_DELAY_BASE, TIMEOUT_RETRY_COST: () => TIMEOUT_RETRY_COST }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); // src/config.ts var RETRY_MODES = /* @__PURE__ */ ((RETRY_MODES2) => { RETRY_MODES2["STANDARD"] = "standard"; RETRY_MODES2["ADAPTIVE"] = "adaptive"; return RETRY_MODES2; })(RETRY_MODES || {}); var DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3; var DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE = "standard" /* STANDARD */; // src/DefaultRateLimiter.ts var import_service_error_classification = require("@smithy/service-error-classification"); var _DefaultRateLimiter = class _DefaultRateLimiter { constructor(options) { // Pre-set state variables this.currentCapacity = 0; this.enabled = false; this.lastMaxRate = 0; this.measuredTxRate = 0; this.requestCount = 0; this.lastTimestamp = 0; this.timeWindow = 0; this.beta = (options == null ? void 0 : options.beta) ?? 0.7; this.minCapacity = (options == null ? void 0 : options.minCapacity) ?? 1; this.minFillRate = (options == null ? void 0 : options.minFillRate) ?? 0.5; this.scaleConstant = (options == null ? void 0 : options.scaleConstant) ?? 0.4; this.smooth = (options == null ? void 0 : options.smooth) ?? 0.8; const currentTimeInSeconds = this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds(); this.lastThrottleTime = currentTimeInSeconds; this.lastTxRateBucket = Math.floor(this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds()); this.fillRate = this.minFillRate; this.maxCapacity = this.minCapacity; } getCurrentTimeInSeconds() { return / 1e3; } async getSendToken() { return this.acquireTokenBucket(1); } async acquireTokenBucket(amount) { if (!this.enabled) { return; } this.refillTokenBucket(); if (amount > this.currentCapacity) { const delay = (amount - this.currentCapacity) / this.fillRate * 1e3; await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); } this.currentCapacity = this.currentCapacity - amount; } refillTokenBucket() { const timestamp = this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds(); if (!this.lastTimestamp) { this.lastTimestamp = timestamp; return; } const fillAmount = (timestamp - this.lastTimestamp) * this.fillRate; this.currentCapacity = Math.min(this.maxCapacity, this.currentCapacity + fillAmount); this.lastTimestamp = timestamp; } updateClientSendingRate(response) { let calculatedRate; this.updateMeasuredRate(); if ((0, import_service_error_classification.isThrottlingError)(response)) { const rateToUse = !this.enabled ? this.measuredTxRate : Math.min(this.measuredTxRate, this.fillRate); this.lastMaxRate = rateToUse; this.calculateTimeWindow(); this.lastThrottleTime = this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds(); calculatedRate = this.cubicThrottle(rateToUse); this.enableTokenBucket(); } else { this.calculateTimeWindow(); calculatedRate = this.cubicSuccess(this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds()); } const newRate = Math.min(calculatedRate, 2 * this.measuredTxRate); this.updateTokenBucketRate(newRate); } calculateTimeWindow() { this.timeWindow = this.getPrecise(Math.pow(this.lastMaxRate * (1 - this.beta) / this.scaleConstant, 1 / 3)); } cubicThrottle(rateToUse) { return this.getPrecise(rateToUse * this.beta); } cubicSuccess(timestamp) { return this.getPrecise( this.scaleConstant * Math.pow(timestamp - this.lastThrottleTime - this.timeWindow, 3) + this.lastMaxRate ); } enableTokenBucket() { this.enabled = true; } updateTokenBucketRate(newRate) { this.refillTokenBucket(); this.fillRate = Math.max(newRate, this.minFillRate); this.maxCapacity = Math.max(newRate, this.minCapacity); this.currentCapacity = Math.min(this.currentCapacity, this.maxCapacity); } updateMeasuredRate() { const t = this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds(); const timeBucket = Math.floor(t * 2) / 2; this.requestCount++; if (timeBucket > this.lastTxRateBucket) { const currentRate = this.requestCount / (timeBucket - this.lastTxRateBucket); this.measuredTxRate = this.getPrecise(currentRate * this.smooth + this.measuredTxRate * (1 - this.smooth)); this.requestCount = 0; this.lastTxRateBucket = timeBucket; } } getPrecise(num) { return parseFloat(num.toFixed(8)); } }; __name(_DefaultRateLimiter, "DefaultRateLimiter"); var DefaultRateLimiter = _DefaultRateLimiter; // src/constants.ts var DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE = 100; var MAXIMUM_RETRY_DELAY = 20 * 1e3; var THROTTLING_RETRY_DELAY_BASE = 500; var INITIAL_RETRY_TOKENS = 500; var RETRY_COST = 5; var TIMEOUT_RETRY_COST = 10; var NO_RETRY_INCREMENT = 1; var INVOCATION_ID_HEADER = "amz-sdk-invocation-id"; var REQUEST_HEADER = "amz-sdk-request"; // src/defaultRetryBackoffStrategy.ts var getDefaultRetryBackoffStrategy = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { let delayBase = DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE; const computeNextBackoffDelay = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((attempts) => { return Math.floor(Math.min(MAXIMUM_RETRY_DELAY, Math.random() * 2 ** attempts * delayBase)); }, "computeNextBackoffDelay"); const setDelayBase = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((delay) => { delayBase = delay; }, "setDelayBase"); return { computeNextBackoffDelay, setDelayBase }; }, "getDefaultRetryBackoffStrategy"); // src/defaultRetryToken.ts var createDefaultRetryToken = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(({ retryDelay, retryCount, retryCost }) => { const getRetryCount = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => retryCount, "getRetryCount"); const getRetryDelay = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => Math.min(MAXIMUM_RETRY_DELAY, retryDelay), "getRetryDelay"); const getRetryCost = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => retryCost, "getRetryCost"); return { getRetryCount, getRetryDelay, getRetryCost }; }, "createDefaultRetryToken"); // src/StandardRetryStrategy.ts var _StandardRetryStrategy = class _StandardRetryStrategy { constructor(maxAttempts) { this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts; this.mode = "standard" /* STANDARD */; this.capacity = INITIAL_RETRY_TOKENS; this.retryBackoffStrategy = getDefaultRetryBackoffStrategy(); this.maxAttemptsProvider = typeof maxAttempts === "function" ? maxAttempts : async () => maxAttempts; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars async acquireInitialRetryToken(retryTokenScope) { return createDefaultRetryToken({ retryDelay: DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE, retryCount: 0 }); } async refreshRetryTokenForRetry(token, errorInfo) { const maxAttempts = await this.getMaxAttempts(); if (this.shouldRetry(token, errorInfo, maxAttempts)) { const errorType = errorInfo.errorType; this.retryBackoffStrategy.setDelayBase( errorType === "THROTTLING" ? THROTTLING_RETRY_DELAY_BASE : DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE ); const delayFromErrorType = this.retryBackoffStrategy.computeNextBackoffDelay(token.getRetryCount()); const retryDelay = errorInfo.retryAfterHint ? Math.max(errorInfo.retryAfterHint.getTime() - || 0, delayFromErrorType) : delayFromErrorType; const capacityCost = this.getCapacityCost(errorType); this.capacity -= capacityCost; return createDefaultRetryToken({ retryDelay, retryCount: token.getRetryCount() + 1, retryCost: capacityCost }); } throw new Error("No retry token available"); } recordSuccess(token) { this.capacity = Math.max(INITIAL_RETRY_TOKENS, this.capacity + (token.getRetryCost() ?? NO_RETRY_INCREMENT)); } /** * @returns the current available retry capacity. * * This number decreases when retries are executed and refills when requests or retries succeed. */ getCapacity() { return this.capacity; } async getMaxAttempts() { try { return await this.maxAttemptsProvider(); } catch (error) { console.warn(`Max attempts provider could not resolve. Using default of ${DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS}`); return DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS; } } shouldRetry(tokenToRenew, errorInfo, maxAttempts) { const attempts = tokenToRenew.getRetryCount() + 1; return attempts < maxAttempts && this.capacity >= this.getCapacityCost(errorInfo.errorType) && this.isRetryableError(errorInfo.errorType); } getCapacityCost(errorType) { return errorType === "TRANSIENT" ? TIMEOUT_RETRY_COST : RETRY_COST; } isRetryableError(errorType) { return errorType === "THROTTLING" || errorType === "TRANSIENT"; } }; __name(_StandardRetryStrategy, "StandardRetryStrategy"); var StandardRetryStrategy = _StandardRetryStrategy; // src/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.ts var _AdaptiveRetryStrategy = class _AdaptiveRetryStrategy { constructor(maxAttemptsProvider, options) { this.maxAttemptsProvider = maxAttemptsProvider; this.mode = "adaptive" /* ADAPTIVE */; const { rateLimiter } = options ?? {}; this.rateLimiter = rateLimiter ?? new DefaultRateLimiter(); this.standardRetryStrategy = new StandardRetryStrategy(maxAttemptsProvider); } async acquireInitialRetryToken(retryTokenScope) { await this.rateLimiter.getSendToken(); return this.standardRetryStrategy.acquireInitialRetryToken(retryTokenScope); } async refreshRetryTokenForRetry(tokenToRenew, errorInfo) { this.rateLimiter.updateClientSendingRate(errorInfo); return this.standardRetryStrategy.refreshRetryTokenForRetry(tokenToRenew, errorInfo); } recordSuccess(token) { this.rateLimiter.updateClientSendingRate({}); this.standardRetryStrategy.recordSuccess(token); } }; __name(_AdaptiveRetryStrategy, "AdaptiveRetryStrategy"); var AdaptiveRetryStrategy = _AdaptiveRetryStrategy; // src/ConfiguredRetryStrategy.ts var _ConfiguredRetryStrategy = class _ConfiguredRetryStrategy extends StandardRetryStrategy { /** * @param maxAttempts - the maximum number of retry attempts allowed. * e.g., if set to 3, then 4 total requests are possible. * @param computeNextBackoffDelay - a millisecond delay for each retry or a function that takes the retry attempt * and returns the delay. * * @example exponential backoff. * ```js * new Client({ * retryStrategy: new ConfiguredRetryStrategy(3, (attempt) => attempt ** 2) * }); * ``` * @example constant delay. * ```js * new Client({ * retryStrategy: new ConfiguredRetryStrategy(3, 2000) * }); * ``` */ constructor(maxAttempts, computeNextBackoffDelay = DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE) { super(typeof maxAttempts === "function" ? maxAttempts : async () => maxAttempts); if (typeof computeNextBackoffDelay === "number") { this.computeNextBackoffDelay = () => computeNextBackoffDelay; } else { this.computeNextBackoffDelay = computeNextBackoffDelay; } } async refreshRetryTokenForRetry(tokenToRenew, errorInfo) { const token = await super.refreshRetryTokenForRetry(tokenToRenew, errorInfo); token.getRetryDelay = () => this.computeNextBackoffDelay(token.getRetryCount()); return token; } }; __name(_ConfiguredRetryStrategy, "ConfiguredRetryStrategy"); var ConfiguredRetryStrategy = _ConfiguredRetryStrategy; // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { AdaptiveRetryStrategy, ConfiguredRetryStrategy, DefaultRateLimiter, StandardRetryStrategy, RETRY_MODES, DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS, DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE, DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE, MAXIMUM_RETRY_DELAY, THROTTLING_RETRY_DELAY_BASE, INITIAL_RETRY_TOKENS, RETRY_COST, TIMEOUT_RETRY_COST, NO_RETRY_INCREMENT, INVOCATION_ID_HEADER, REQUEST_HEADER });