import { CredentialsProviderError } from "@smithy/property-provider"; import { getProfileName, loadSsoSessionData, parseKnownFiles } from "@smithy/shared-ini-file-loader"; import { isSsoProfile } from "./isSsoProfile"; import { resolveSSOCredentials } from "./resolveSSOCredentials"; import { validateSsoProfile } from "./validateSsoProfile"; export const fromSSO = (init = {}) => async () => { init.logger?.debug("@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso", "fromSSO"); const { ssoStartUrl, ssoAccountId, ssoRegion, ssoRoleName, ssoSession } = init; const { ssoClient } = init; const profileName = getProfileName(init); if (!ssoStartUrl && !ssoAccountId && !ssoRegion && !ssoRoleName && !ssoSession) { const profiles = await parseKnownFiles(init); const profile = profiles[profileName]; if (!profile) { throw new CredentialsProviderError(`Profile ${profileName} was not found.`); } if (!isSsoProfile(profile)) { throw new CredentialsProviderError(`Profile ${profileName} is not configured with SSO credentials.`); } if (profile?.sso_session) { const ssoSessions = await loadSsoSessionData(init); const session = ssoSessions[profile.sso_session]; const conflictMsg = ` configurations in profile ${profileName} and sso-session ${profile.sso_session}`; if (ssoRegion && ssoRegion !== session.sso_region) { throw new CredentialsProviderError(`Conflicting SSO region` + conflictMsg, false); } if (ssoStartUrl && ssoStartUrl !== session.sso_start_url) { throw new CredentialsProviderError(`Conflicting SSO start_url` + conflictMsg, false); } profile.sso_region = session.sso_region; profile.sso_start_url = session.sso_start_url; } const { sso_start_url, sso_account_id, sso_region, sso_role_name, sso_session } = validateSsoProfile(profile); return resolveSSOCredentials({ ssoStartUrl: sso_start_url, ssoSession: sso_session, ssoAccountId: sso_account_id, ssoRegion: sso_region, ssoRoleName: sso_role_name, ssoClient: ssoClient, clientConfig: init.clientConfig, profile: profileName, }); } else if (!ssoStartUrl || !ssoAccountId || !ssoRegion || !ssoRoleName) { throw new CredentialsProviderError("Incomplete configuration. The fromSSO() argument hash must include " + '"ssoStartUrl", "ssoAccountId", "ssoRegion", "ssoRoleName"'); } else { return resolveSSOCredentials({ ssoStartUrl, ssoSession, ssoAccountId, ssoRegion, ssoRoleName, ssoClient, clientConfig: init.clientConfig, profile: profileName, }); } };