import { toHex } from "@smithy/util-hex-encoding"; import { normalizeProvider } from "@smithy/util-middleware"; import { escapeUri } from "@smithy/util-uri-escape"; import { toUint8Array } from "@smithy/util-utf8"; import { ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER, ALGORITHM_QUERY_PARAM, AMZ_DATE_HEADER, AMZ_DATE_QUERY_PARAM, AUTH_HEADER, CREDENTIAL_QUERY_PARAM, EVENT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER, EXPIRES_QUERY_PARAM, MAX_PRESIGNED_TTL, SHA256_HEADER, SIGNATURE_QUERY_PARAM, SIGNED_HEADERS_QUERY_PARAM, TOKEN_HEADER, TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM, } from "./constants"; import { createScope, getSigningKey } from "./credentialDerivation"; import { getCanonicalHeaders } from "./getCanonicalHeaders"; import { getCanonicalQuery } from "./getCanonicalQuery"; import { getPayloadHash } from "./getPayloadHash"; import { HeaderFormatter } from "./HeaderFormatter"; import { hasHeader } from "./headerUtil"; import { moveHeadersToQuery } from "./moveHeadersToQuery"; import { prepareRequest } from "./prepareRequest"; import { iso8601 } from "./utilDate"; export class SignatureV4 { constructor({ applyChecksum, credentials, region, service, sha256, uriEscapePath = true, }) { this.headerFormatter = new HeaderFormatter(); this.service = service; this.sha256 = sha256; this.uriEscapePath = uriEscapePath; this.applyChecksum = typeof applyChecksum === "boolean" ? applyChecksum : true; this.regionProvider = normalizeProvider(region); this.credentialProvider = normalizeProvider(credentials); } async presign(originalRequest, options = {}) { const { signingDate = new Date(), expiresIn = 3600, unsignableHeaders, unhoistableHeaders, signableHeaders, signingRegion, signingService, } = options; const credentials = await this.credentialProvider(); this.validateResolvedCredentials(credentials); const region = signingRegion ?? (await this.regionProvider()); const { longDate, shortDate } = formatDate(signingDate); if (expiresIn > MAX_PRESIGNED_TTL) { return Promise.reject("Signature version 4 presigned URLs" + " must have an expiration date less than one week in" + " the future"); } const scope = createScope(shortDate, region, signingService ?? this.service); const request = moveHeadersToQuery(prepareRequest(originalRequest), { unhoistableHeaders }); if (credentials.sessionToken) { request.query[TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM] = credentials.sessionToken; } request.query[ALGORITHM_QUERY_PARAM] = ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER; request.query[CREDENTIAL_QUERY_PARAM] = `${credentials.accessKeyId}/${scope}`; request.query[AMZ_DATE_QUERY_PARAM] = longDate; request.query[EXPIRES_QUERY_PARAM] = expiresIn.toString(10); const canonicalHeaders = getCanonicalHeaders(request, unsignableHeaders, signableHeaders); request.query[SIGNED_HEADERS_QUERY_PARAM] = getCanonicalHeaderList(canonicalHeaders); request.query[SIGNATURE_QUERY_PARAM] = await this.getSignature(longDate, scope, this.getSigningKey(credentials, region, shortDate, signingService), this.createCanonicalRequest(request, canonicalHeaders, await getPayloadHash(originalRequest, this.sha256))); return request; } async sign(toSign, options) { if (typeof toSign === "string") { return this.signString(toSign, options); } else if (toSign.headers && toSign.payload) { return this.signEvent(toSign, options); } else if (toSign.message) { return this.signMessage(toSign, options); } else { return this.signRequest(toSign, options); } } async signEvent({ headers, payload }, { signingDate = new Date(), priorSignature, signingRegion, signingService }) { const region = signingRegion ?? (await this.regionProvider()); const { shortDate, longDate } = formatDate(signingDate); const scope = createScope(shortDate, region, signingService ?? this.service); const hashedPayload = await getPayloadHash({ headers: {}, body: payload }, this.sha256); const hash = new this.sha256(); hash.update(headers); const hashedHeaders = toHex(await hash.digest()); const stringToSign = [ EVENT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER, longDate, scope, priorSignature, hashedHeaders, hashedPayload, ].join("\n"); return this.signString(stringToSign, { signingDate, signingRegion: region, signingService }); } async signMessage(signableMessage, { signingDate = new Date(), signingRegion, signingService }) { const promise = this.signEvent({ headers: this.headerFormatter.format(signableMessage.message.headers), payload: signableMessage.message.body, }, { signingDate, signingRegion, signingService, priorSignature: signableMessage.priorSignature, }); return promise.then((signature) => { return { message: signableMessage.message, signature }; }); } async signString(stringToSign, { signingDate = new Date(), signingRegion, signingService } = {}) { const credentials = await this.credentialProvider(); this.validateResolvedCredentials(credentials); const region = signingRegion ?? (await this.regionProvider()); const { shortDate } = formatDate(signingDate); const hash = new this.sha256(await this.getSigningKey(credentials, region, shortDate, signingService)); hash.update(toUint8Array(stringToSign)); return toHex(await hash.digest()); } async signRequest(requestToSign, { signingDate = new Date(), signableHeaders, unsignableHeaders, signingRegion, signingService, } = {}) { const credentials = await this.credentialProvider(); this.validateResolvedCredentials(credentials); const region = signingRegion ?? (await this.regionProvider()); const request = prepareRequest(requestToSign); const { longDate, shortDate } = formatDate(signingDate); const scope = createScope(shortDate, region, signingService ?? this.service); request.headers[AMZ_DATE_HEADER] = longDate; if (credentials.sessionToken) { request.headers[TOKEN_HEADER] = credentials.sessionToken; } const payloadHash = await getPayloadHash(request, this.sha256); if (!hasHeader(SHA256_HEADER, request.headers) && this.applyChecksum) { request.headers[SHA256_HEADER] = payloadHash; } const canonicalHeaders = getCanonicalHeaders(request, unsignableHeaders, signableHeaders); const signature = await this.getSignature(longDate, scope, this.getSigningKey(credentials, region, shortDate, signingService), this.createCanonicalRequest(request, canonicalHeaders, payloadHash)); request.headers[AUTH_HEADER] = `${ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER} ` + `Credential=${credentials.accessKeyId}/${scope}, ` + `SignedHeaders=${getCanonicalHeaderList(canonicalHeaders)}, ` + `Signature=${signature}`; return request; } createCanonicalRequest(request, canonicalHeaders, payloadHash) { const sortedHeaders = Object.keys(canonicalHeaders).sort(); return `${request.method} ${this.getCanonicalPath(request)} ${getCanonicalQuery(request)} ${ => `${name}:${canonicalHeaders[name]}`).join("\n")} ${sortedHeaders.join(";")} ${payloadHash}`; } async createStringToSign(longDate, credentialScope, canonicalRequest) { const hash = new this.sha256(); hash.update(toUint8Array(canonicalRequest)); const hashedRequest = await hash.digest(); return `${ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER} ${longDate} ${credentialScope} ${toHex(hashedRequest)}`; } getCanonicalPath({ path }) { if (this.uriEscapePath) { const normalizedPathSegments = []; for (const pathSegment of path.split("/")) { if (pathSegment?.length === 0) continue; if (pathSegment === ".") continue; if (pathSegment === "..") { normalizedPathSegments.pop(); } else { normalizedPathSegments.push(pathSegment); } } const normalizedPath = `${path?.startsWith("/") ? "/" : ""}${normalizedPathSegments.join("/")}${normalizedPathSegments.length > 0 && path?.endsWith("/") ? "/" : ""}`; const doubleEncoded = escapeUri(normalizedPath); return doubleEncoded.replace(/%2F/g, "/"); } return path; } async getSignature(longDate, credentialScope, keyPromise, canonicalRequest) { const stringToSign = await this.createStringToSign(longDate, credentialScope, canonicalRequest); const hash = new this.sha256(await keyPromise); hash.update(toUint8Array(stringToSign)); return toHex(await hash.digest()); } getSigningKey(credentials, region, shortDate, service) { return getSigningKey(this.sha256, credentials, shortDate, region, service || this.service); } validateResolvedCredentials(credentials) { if (typeof credentials !== "object" || typeof credentials.accessKeyId !== "string" || typeof credentials.secretAccessKey !== "string") { throw new Error("Resolved credential object is not valid"); } } } const formatDate = (now) => { const longDate = iso8601(now).replace(/[\-:]/g, ""); return { longDate, shortDate: longDate.slice(0, 8), }; }; const getCanonicalHeaderList = (headers) => Object.keys(headers).sort().join(";");