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2024-05-26 22:54:55 +02:00
const F = "required", G = "type", H = "fn", I = "argv", J = "ref";
const a = false, b = true, c = "booleanEquals", d = "stringEquals", e = "sigv4", f = "sts", g = "us-east-1", h = "endpoint", i = "https://sts.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", j = "tree", k = "error", l = "getAttr", m = { [F]: false, [G]: "String" }, n = { [F]: true, "default": false, [G]: "Boolean" }, o = { [J]: "Endpoint" }, p = { [H]: "isSet", [I]: [{ [J]: "Region" }] }, q = { [J]: "Region" }, r = { [H]: "aws.partition", [I]: [q], "assign": "PartitionResult" }, s = { [J]: "UseFIPS" }, t = { [J]: "UseDualStack" }, u = { "url": "", "properties": { "authSchemes": [{ "name": e, "signingName": f, "signingRegion": g }] }, "headers": {} }, v = {}, w = { "conditions": [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "aws-global"] }], [h]: u, [G]: h }, x = { [H]: c, [I]: [s, true] }, y = { [H]: c, [I]: [t, true] }, z = { [H]: l, [I]: [{ [J]: "PartitionResult" }, "supportsFIPS"] }, A = { [J]: "PartitionResult" }, B = { [H]: c, [I]: [true, { [H]: l, [I]: [A, "supportsDualStack"] }] }, C = [{ [H]: "isSet", [I]: [o] }], D = [x], E = [y];
const _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Region: m, UseDualStack: n, UseFIPS: n, Endpoint: m, UseGlobalEndpoint: n }, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [H]: c, [I]: [{ [J]: "UseGlobalEndpoint" }, b] }, { [H]: "not", [I]: C }, p, r, { [H]: c, [I]: [s, a] }, { [H]: c, [I]: [t, a] }], rules: [{ conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "ap-northeast-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "ap-south-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "ap-southeast-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "ap-southeast-2"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, w, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "ca-central-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "eu-central-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "eu-north-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "eu-west-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "eu-west-2"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "eu-west-3"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "sa-east-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, g] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "us-east-2"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "us-west-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [q, "us-west-2"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: h }, { endpoint: { url: i, properties: { authSchemes: [{ name: e, signingName: f, signingRegion: "{Region}" }] }, headers: v }, [G]: h }], [G]: j }, { conditions: C, rules: [{ conditions: D, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", [G]: k }, { conditions: E, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", [G]: k }, { endpoint: { url: o, properties: v, headers: v }, [G]: h }], [G]: j }, { conditions: [p], rules: [{ conditions: [r], rules: [{ conditions: [x, y], rules: [{ conditions: [{ [H]: c, [I]: [b, z] }, B], rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://sts-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: v, headers: v }, [G]: h }], [G]: j }, { error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", [G]: k }], [G]: j }, { conditions: D, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [H]: c, [I]: [z, b] }], rules: [{ conditions: [{ [H]: d, [I]: [{ [H]: l, [I]: [A, "name"] }, "aws-us-gov"] }], endpoint: { url: "https://sts.{Region}", properties: v, headers: v }, [G]: h }, { endpoint: { url: "https://sts-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: v, headers: v }, [G]: h }], [G]: j }, { error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", [G]: k }], [G]: j }, { conditions: E, rules: [{ conditions: [B], rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://sts.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: v, headers: v }, [G]: h }], [G]: j }, { error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", [G]: k }], [G]: j }, w, { endpoint: { url: i, properties: v, headers: v }, [G]: h }], [G]: j }], [G]: j }, { error: "Invalid Configuration: Missing Region", [G]: k }] };
export const ruleSet = _data;