"use client"; import ReactMarkdown from "react-markdown"; import { privacyPolicy } from "@/constants/guidelines"; import { useEffect } from "react"; function matomoOptOutPlugin() { return (tree) => { const paragraph = tree.children.find( (node) => node.type === "element" && node.tagName == "p" && node.children[0].value === "MATOMOOPTOUT" ); if (paragraph) { const div = { type: "element", tagName: "div", properties: { id: "matomo-opt-out" }, children: [] }; tree.children.splice(tree.children.indexOf(paragraph), 1, div); } }; } function Contribute() { useEffect(() => { const settings = { showIntro: true, divId: "matomo-opt-out", useSecureCookies: true, cookiePath: null, cookieDomain: null, cookieSameSite: "Lax", OptOutComplete: "Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.", OptOutCompleteBis: "Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.", YouMayOptOut2: "You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.", YouMayOptOut3: "Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.", OptOutErrorNoCookies: "The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.", OptOutErrorNotHttps: "The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.", YouAreNotOptedOut: "You are not opted out.", UncheckToOptOut: "Uncheck this box to opt-out.", YouAreOptedOut: "You are currently opted out.", CheckToOptIn: "Check this box to opt-in." }; window.showContent = function ( consent, errorMessage = null, useTracker = false ) { const errorBlock = '

'; const div = document.getElementById(settings.divId); if (!div) { const warningDiv = document.createElement("div"); const msg = `Unable to find opt-out content div: "${settings.divId}"`; warningDiv.id = `${settings.divId}-warning`; warningDiv.innerHTML = `${errorBlock}${msg}

`; document.body.insertBefore(warningDiv, document.body.firstChild); console.log(msg); return; } if (!navigator || !navigator.cookieEnabled) { div.innerHTML = `${errorBlock}${settings.OptOutErrorNoCookies}

`; return; } if (errorMessage !== null) { div.innerHTML = `${errorBlock}${errorMessage}

`; return; } let content = ""; if (location.protocol !== "https:") { content += `${errorBlock}${settings.OptOutErrorNotHttps}

`; } if (consent) { if (settings.showIntro) { content += `

${settings.YouMayOptOut2} ${settings.YouMayOptOut3}

`; } if (useTracker) { content += ''; } else { content += ''; } content += ``; } else { if (settings.showIntro) { content += `

${settings.OptOutComplete} ${settings.OptOutCompleteBis}

`; } if (useTracker) { content += ''; } else { content += ''; } content += ``; } div.innerHTML = content; }; window.MatomoConsent = { cookiesDisabled: !navigator || !navigator.cookieEnabled, CONSENT_COOKIE_NAME: "mtm_consent", CONSENT_REMOVED_COOKIE_NAME: "mtm_consent_removed", cookieIsSecure: false, useSecureCookies: true, cookiePath: "", cookieDomain: "", cookieSameSite: "Lax", init: function ( useSecureCookies, cookiePath, cookieDomain, cookieSameSite ) { this.useSecureCookies = useSecureCookies; this.cookiePath = cookiePath; this.cookieDomain = cookieDomain; this.cookieSameSite = cookieSameSite; if (useSecureCookies && location.protocol !== "https:") { console.log( "Error with setting useSecureCookies: You cannot use this option on http." ); } else { this.cookieIsSecure = useSecureCookies; } }, hasConsent: function () { const consentCookie = this.getCookie(this.CONSENT_COOKIE_NAME); const removedCookie = this.getCookie(this.CONSENT_REMOVED_COOKIE_NAME); if (!consentCookie && !removedCookie) { return true; // No cookies set, so opted in } if (removedCookie && consentCookie) { this.setCookie(this.CONSENT_COOKIE_NAME, "", -129600000); return false; } return consentCookie || consentCookie !== 0; }, consentGiven: function () { this.setCookie(this.CONSENT_REMOVED_COOKIE_NAME, "", -129600000); this.setCookie( this.CONSENT_COOKIE_NAME, new Date().getTime(), 946080000000 ); }, consentRevoked: function () { this.setCookie(this.CONSENT_COOKIE_NAME, "", -129600000); this.setCookie( this.CONSENT_REMOVED_COOKIE_NAME, new Date().getTime(), 946080000000 ); }, getCookie: function (cookieName) { const cookiePattern = new RegExp("(^|;)[ ]*" + cookieName + "=([^;]*)"); const cookieMatch = cookiePattern.exec(document.cookie); return cookieMatch ? window.decodeURIComponent(cookieMatch[2]) : 0; }, setCookie: function (cookieName, value, msToExpire) { const expiryDate = new Date(); expiryDate.setTime(new Date().getTime() + msToExpire); document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + window.encodeURIComponent(value) + (msToExpire ? ";expires=" + expiryDate.toGMTString() : "") + ";path=" + (this.cookiePath || "/") + (this.cookieDomain ? ";domain=" + this.cookieDomain : "") + (this.cookieIsSecure ? ";secure" : "") + ";SameSite=" + this.cookieSameSite; if ( (!msToExpire || msToExpire >= 0) && this.getCookie(cookieName) !== String(value) ) { console.log( `There was an error setting cookie \`${cookieName}\`. Please check domain and path.` ); } } }; window.MatomoConsent.init( settings.useSecureCookies, settings.cookiePath, settings.cookieDomain, settings.cookieSameSite ); showContent(window.MatomoConsent.hasConsent()); }, []); return (

Privacy Policy

Effective date: November 7, 2024

); } export default Contribute;