"use client"; /** * This configuration is used to for the Sanity Studio that’s mounted on the `/app/studio/[[...tool]]/page.jsx` route */ import { visionTool } from "@sanity/vision"; import { defineConfig } from "sanity"; import { structureTool } from "sanity/structure"; import { codeInput } from "@sanity/code-input"; // Go to https://www.sanity.io/docs/api-versioning to learn how API versioning works import { apiVersion, dataset, projectId } from "./sanity/env"; import { schemaTypes } from "./sanity/schemaTypes"; export default defineConfig({ basePath: "/studio", projectId, dataset, // Add and edit the content schema in the './sanity/schemaTypes' folder schema: { types: schemaTypes }, plugins: [ structureTool(), // Vision is for querying with GROQ from inside the Studio // https://www.sanity.io/docs/the-vision-plugin visionTool({ defaultApiVersion: apiVersion }), codeInput() ] });