const middleware = require("../../src/middleware/urlSanitizer.js"); const sanitizeURL = require("../../src/utils/urlSanitizer.js"); const parseURL = require("../../src/utils/urlParser.js"); jest.mock("../../src/utils/urlSanitizer.js"); jest.mock("../../src/utils/urlParser.js"); describe("Path sanitizer middleware", () => { let req, res, logFacilities, config, next; beforeEach(() => { req = { parsedURL: { pathname: "/test", search: "?query=test", hash: "#hash", }, url: "/test?query=test#hash", isProxy: false, headers: { host: "", }, socket: { encrypted: false, }, }; res = { redirect: jest.fn(), error: jest.fn(), }; logFacilities = { resmessage: jest.fn(), }; config = { allowDoubleSlashes: false, rewriteDirtyURLs: false, domain: "", }; next = jest.fn(); sanitizeURL.mockImplementation((url) => url); parseURL.mockImplementation((url) => ({ pathname: url })); }); test("should call next if URL is not dirty", () => { middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(next).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test("should redirect if URL is dirty and rewriteDirtyURLs is false", () => { req.parsedURL.pathname = "/dirty%20url"; middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.redirect).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "/dirty%20url?query=test#hash", false, ); expect(next).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test("should rewrite URL if URL is dirty and rewriteDirtyURLs is true", () => { req.parsedURL.pathname = "/dirty%20url"; config.rewriteDirtyURLs = true; middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(req.url).toBe("/dirty%20url?query=test#hash"); expect(next).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test("should redirect if URL is dirty (sanitized via sanitizeURL) and rewriteDirtyURLs is false", () => { req.parsedURL.pathname = "/dirty%20url"; sanitizeURL.mockImplementation((url) => url.replace(/dirty/g, "clean")); middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.redirect).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "/clean%20url?query=test#hash", false, ); expect(next).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test("should rewrite URL if URL is dirty (sanitized via sanitizeURL) and rewriteDirtyURLs is true", () => { req.parsedURL.pathname = "/dirty%20url"; config.rewriteDirtyURLs = true; sanitizeURL.mockImplementation((url) => url.replace(/dirty/g, "clean")); middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(req.url).toBe("/clean%20url?query=test#hash"); expect(next).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test("should handle parseURL errors", () => { req.parsedURL.pathname = "/dirty%20url"; config.rewriteDirtyURLs = true; sanitizeURL.mockImplementation((url) => url.replace(/dirty/g, "clean")); parseURL.mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error("Parse error"); }); middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith(400, new Error("Parse error")); expect(next).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });