/// <reference types="node" />

// Note: marking anything protected or private in the exported
// class will limit Minipass's ability to be used as the base
// for mixin classes.
import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
import { Stream } from 'stream'

export namespace Minipass {
  export type Encoding = BufferEncoding | 'buffer' | null

  export interface Writable extends EventEmitter {
    end(): any
    write(chunk: any, ...args: any[]): any

  export interface Readable extends EventEmitter {
    pause(): any
    resume(): any
    pipe(): any

  export type DualIterable<T> = Iterable<T> & AsyncIterable<T>

  export type ContiguousData =
    | Buffer
    | ArrayBufferLike
    | ArrayBufferView
    | string

  export type BufferOrString = Buffer | string

  export interface SharedOptions {
    async?: boolean
    signal?: AbortSignal

  export interface StringOptions extends SharedOptions {
    encoding: BufferEncoding
    objectMode?: boolean

  export interface BufferOptions extends SharedOptions {
    encoding?: null | 'buffer'
    objectMode?: boolean

  export interface ObjectModeOptions extends SharedOptions {
    objectMode: true

  export interface PipeOptions {
    end?: boolean
    proxyErrors?: boolean

  export type Options<T> = T extends string
    ? StringOptions
    : T extends Buffer
    ? BufferOptions
    : ObjectModeOptions

export class Minipass<
    RType extends any = Buffer,
    WType extends any = RType extends Minipass.BufferOrString
      ? Minipass.ContiguousData
      : RType
  extends Stream
  implements Minipass.DualIterable<RType>
  static isStream(stream: any): stream is Minipass.Readable | Minipass.Writable

  readonly bufferLength: number
  readonly flowing: boolean
  readonly writable: boolean
  readonly readable: boolean
  readonly aborted: boolean
  readonly paused: boolean
  readonly emittedEnd: boolean
  readonly destroyed: boolean

   * Technically writable, but mutating it can change the type,
   * so is not safe to do in TypeScript.
  readonly objectMode: boolean
  async: boolean

   * Note: encoding is not actually read-only, and setEncoding(enc)
   * exists. However, this type definition will insist that TypeScript
   * programs declare the type of a Minipass stream up front, and if
   * that type is string, then an encoding MUST be set in the ctor. If
   * the type is Buffer, then the encoding must be missing, or set to
   * 'buffer' or null. If the type is anything else, then objectMode
   * must be set in the constructor options.  So there is effectively
   * no allowed way that a TS program can set the encoding after
   * construction, as doing so will destroy any hope of type safety.
   * TypeScript does not provide many options for changing the type of
   * an object at run-time, which is what changing the encoding does.
  readonly encoding: Minipass.Encoding
  // setEncoding(encoding: Encoding): void

  // Options required if not reading buffers
    ...args: RType extends Buffer
      ? [] | [Minipass.Options<RType>]
      : [Minipass.Options<RType>]

  write(chunk: WType, cb?: () => void): boolean
  write(chunk: WType, encoding?: Minipass.Encoding, cb?: () => void): boolean
  read(size?: number): RType
  end(cb?: () => void): this
  end(chunk: any, cb?: () => void): this
  end(chunk: any, encoding?: Minipass.Encoding, cb?: () => void): this
  pause(): void
  resume(): void
  promise(): Promise<void>
  collect(): Promise<RType[]>

  concat(): RType extends Minipass.BufferOrString ? Promise<RType> : never
  destroy(er?: any): void
  pipe<W extends Minipass.Writable>(dest: W, opts?: Minipass.PipeOptions): W
  unpipe<W extends Minipass.Writable>(dest: W): void

   * alias for on()
  addEventHandler(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => any): this

  on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => any): this
  on(event: 'data', listener: (chunk: RType) => any): this
  on(event: 'error', listener: (error: any) => any): this
      | 'readable'
      | 'drain'
      | 'resume'
      | 'end'
      | 'prefinish'
      | 'finish'
      | 'close',
    listener: () => any
  ): this

  [Symbol.iterator](): Generator<RType, void, void>
  [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncGenerator<RType, void, void>