const middleware = require("../../src/middleware/staticFileServingAndDirectoryListings.js"); const fs = require("fs"); const http = require("http"); const httpMocks = require("node-mocks-http"); jest.mock("fs"); describe("Static file serving and directory listings middleware", () => { let req, res, logFacilities, config, next; beforeEach(() => { req = httpMocks.createRequest({ method: "GET", url: "/", headers: { host: "", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0" }, socket: { localAddress: "" } }); req.parsedURL = { pathname: "/" }; req.originalParsedURL = { pathname: "/" }; res = httpMocks.createResponse({ eventEmitter: require("events").EventEmitter }); res.error = (statusCode) => { // Very simple replacement of res.error res.writeHead(statusCode, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }); res.end(statusCode + " " + http.STATUS_CODES[statusCode]); }; res.head = ""; res.foot = ""; logFacilities = { errmessage: jest.fn(), resmessage: jest.fn() }; config = { enableDirectoryListing: true, enableDirectoryListingVHost: [], enableCompression: true, dontCompress: [], generateServerString: jest.fn().mockReturnValue("Server") }; next = jest.fn(); }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); test("should return 404 if file does not exist", async () => { fs.stat.mockImplementation((path, cb) => { cb({ code: "ENOENT" }); }); await middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(404); expect(logFacilities.errmessage).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "Resource not found." ); }); test("should return 403 if directory listing is disabled", async () => { config.enableDirectoryListing = false; fs.stat.mockImplementation((path, cb) => { cb(null, { isDirectory: () => true, isFile: () => false }); }); await middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(403); expect(logFacilities.errmessage).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "Directory listing is disabled." ); }); test("should return 403 if access is denied", async () => { fs.stat.mockImplementation((path, cb) => { cb({ code: "EACCES" }); }); await middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(403); expect(logFacilities.errmessage).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Access denied."); }); test("should return 414 if the URI is too long", async () => { fs.stat.mockImplementation((path, cb) => { cb({ code: "ENAMETOOLONG" }); }); await middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(414); }); test("should return 503 if the server is unable to handle the request", async () => { fs.stat.mockImplementation((path, cb) => { cb({ code: "EMFILE" }); }); await middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(503); }); test("should return 508 if a loop is detected in symbolic links", async () => { fs.stat.mockImplementation((path, cb) => { cb({ code: "ELOOP" }); }); await middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(508); expect(logFacilities.errmessage).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "Symbolic link loop detected." ); }); test("should return 500 if an unknown error occurs", async () => { fs.stat.mockImplementation((path, cb) => { cb(new Error("Unknown error")); }); await middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(500); }); test("should return 501 if the file is a block device, character device, FIFO, or socket", async () => { fs.stat.mockImplementation((path, cb) => { cb(null, { isDirectory: () => false, isFile: () => false, isBlockDevice: () => true }); }); await middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(501); expect(logFacilities.errmessage).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.stringContaining("doesn't support block devices") ); }); test("should return a directory listing if the path is a directory and directory listing is enabled", async () => { fs.readdir.mockImplementation((path, cb) => { cb(null, ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"]); }); fs.readFile.mockImplementation((path, cb) => { if (path.match(/(?:^|\/)file[12]\.txt$/)) { cb(null, Buffer.from("test")); } else { cb({ code: "ENOENT" }); } }); fs.stat.mockImplementation((path, cb) => { if (!path.match(/(?:^|\/)file[12]\.txt$/)) { cb(null, { isDirectory: () => true, isFile: () => false }); } else { cb(null, { isDirectory: () => false, isFile: () => true, size: 1024, mtime: new Date() }); } }); await middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(res._getData()).toContain("Directory: /"); expect(res._getData()).toContain("file1.txt"); expect(res._getData()).toContain("file2.txt"); }); test("should serve static file if the path is a file", async () => { req.headers["accept-encoding"] = undefined; req.path = "/file.txt"; req.parsedURL.pathname = "/file.txt"; req.originalParsedURL.pathname = "/file.txt"; fs.stat.mockImplementation((path, cb) => { if (!path.match(/(?:^|\/)file\.txt$/)) { cb(null, { isDirectory: () => true, isFile: () => false }); } else { cb(null, { isDirectory: () => false, isFile: () => true, size: 9 }); } }); let mockEndListener = () => {}; let mockDataSent = false; const mockStream = { on: (event, listener) => { if (event == "open") { listener(); } else if (event == "data") { if (!mockDataSent) { listener(Buffer.from("mock data")); mockDataSent = true; } mockEndListener(); } else if (event == "end") { mockEndListener = listener; if (mockDataSent) mockEndListener(); } return mockStream; }, once: (event, listener) => { mockStream.on(event, listener); }, pipe: (destStream) => { if (!mockDataSent) { destStream.end("mock data"); } return destStream; } }; fs.createReadStream.mockImplementation(() => { return mockStream; }); await middleware(req, res, logFacilities, config, next); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(res._getData()).toBe("mock data"); }); });